Making intentions clear to Taiwanese/Chinese girls

Here’s an interview with her, from one of my favourite youtube channels


I find the interviewer kinda annoying, but yeah, it’s interesting to hear how people with … disadvantages cope with them. It puts our own petty problems in perspective.


That chart is Yank lower middle class suburban-clit donkey shit. :joy:

Where you went to school, your income, sense of humor, willingness to travel, extraverted nature, etc. can mean a 4 or 5 regularly gets 7 to 10s.

If I tell my women we are moving back to Taiwan, she will be ready in 3 hours and 100 relatives will wait us at taoyuan airport. Father in law, together with financial director of family (90 old grandfather) would buy apartment for us in cash before ghost month ends.
I will never tell my wife this, but in her shoes I would have never left Taiwan in the first place. But I know she couldn’t resist me


Were you ever here? Did you move back later?

The “how women rate men” chart may need adjustment. Physical attributes also important. A 1 man with Uncle Scrooge-esque money won’t get anywhere I guess.


A lot of Taiwanese can never fully leave Taiwan

Except my two cousins in NYC
They can’t be bothered to visit more than once every 20 years

I still remember this Taiwanese girl studying in SF
I had a cupa coffee with her and she was not liking being away from the rock for a potential whole year

She was horrified that I was away for so long and kept telling me I must return to Taiwan

I still remember her telling me over and over

‘’ tommmy , we are Taiwanese , we MUST go back to Taiwan !!’’

So cute

She returned to Taiwan the next week. :smiley_cat:

Myself , I would go back in a heartbeat

I can never fully leave Taiwan as well

If you stay long enough you can’t either

But why

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If you need to ask you clearly don’t know :smiley_cat:


Which is the point of questions


And the point of your need of further self discovery

Some answers must come from within

Why self discover if others have already done the hardest work?

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Some questions can only be answered FOR oneself BY oneself

Such as the question why Taiwan has a hold on you IF it does

Because that answer is one of self discovery

Not sure I agree, you can learn a lot from the experience of others

Very true in many things but Taiwan’s gravitational pull on you has to be felt

The why for others may have no meaning for you

I would say it’s what Taiwan makes you feel

The operative word being YOU

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Currently I feel itchy from all the mosquitos


Exactly like malaria Taiwanese mosquitos inject the need to be in Taiwan and it’s for life

Probably my fiancee whom I love dearly

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Yip, reminds me of an old joke. A Taiwan expat went to the doctor in South Africa and was really sick.

Patient: Doctor, I can`t shake this cold. What should I do?

Doctor: Piss and defecate in a tupperware container. Add paint thinner, various industrial chemicals, etc. Let it sit for an hour. Then breathe it in. Suck the vapours deep into your lungs and repeat.

Patient comes back a week later.

Patient: I feel great. How did these bad waste and chemical products cure my illness?

Doctor: You were not ill. You were homesick.


Yeah that was the second Taiwanese girl I met who was supposed to study in the USA for a year or two who went back after only a week in the USA

One missed her mom and the other her BF

Should have given the USA a chance to grow on them

They missed out on learning a lot