Martial arts - schools,teachers

I am a complete newbie with martial arts. I am uncertain which one would be the best fit for me. Also, I dont want to be a hinderness to any class so I feel a one-on-one class might be most suitable for me.

Sorry to make you all my advisors, but does anyone have any insight one what the best path for me might be? If you teach one-on-one courses feel free to contact me as well.

Thanks in advance

Anyone have any suggestions about open push hands groups in Taipei? Obviously a foreigner and stranger showing up can spook the locals and make it hard to get started but I figured I’d toss this question out there.

And for that matter can anyone suggest teachers/classes (teaching IMA) that have a good reputation for doing push hands and application. I have some names but was wondering if there are any people out there I’m not familiar with.



I don’t really know what IMA is. If you want to do push hands I would suggest going to parks and asking to join in with anyone you see. Taichi style push hands, or at least the immobile kind, is pretty easy to do with strangers and most taichi dudes are pretty cool with it. If you want, come check out what we are doing. We spend 80% of our time doing some form of chisao and various forms of non-cooperative interaction. If you are really gung ho about doing push hands without moving the feet, you probably won’t like it. But if you are more into learning to fight, you will probably be into it. At the very least, our group is totally awesome so if you come out you can meet some awesome dudes and dudettes. Also, most of the people in the group have been studying martial arts for a long, long time including taichi and know most of the taichi groups and teachers so I am sure they would be happy to offer suggestions. you can call me at 0930632213 if you have any interest.

A new nighttime class on Monday! Classes are now Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights 8pm-10pm. Morning class on Tuesday 10am-12pm.
All classes held at Sun Yat-sen Memorial in Taipei, Taiwan.

im looking for aclass to study taichi in taipei, more than once aweek, at evenings
i’m living at shida - university area so i prefer it to be close
if anybody has any information i will be very happy

Just wondering if there are any I-Chuan practitioners in Taipei that anyone knows of or even someone who does their style of push hands. Or even in Taiwan.

The website is down.

What happened?
Are they still running?

Hello, it looks as if I will be moving to Taipei around June of this year. I am interested in studying Iaido and have been trying to see what is available. So far all I have been able to find is the Yoseikan Budo Dojo which offers it and about 4 major Kendo groups which might have someone who teaches it. I am posting here to see if anyone can give me information about current Iaido instructors in Taipei. It would be great to find a Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu sensei. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

this is the official website of ITF in Taiwan.
International Taekwondo Federation Taiwan

Tel 02 87717081 / 0935700943

Hello all,
I’m planning on coming to Taipei in August. My primary aim is to continue my study of Chinese, and expect I’ll be teaching to support myself. Additionally, I’ve been practicing kokikai aikido for about 5 years and would like to start teaching, as there is no one else from our style in Taiwan. I’ll be looking for students and a place where we can practice a few times a week (need mats). Therefore, I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to go about doing this. This is not-for-profit; the best thing would be to share a space in the YMCA, or a venue like that (currently practice in a YMCA in San Francisco. I suppose the YMCA of Taipei is a good place to start inquiries). If anyone has any ideas or experience with this sort of thing, I’d welcome them. And once I get there, I’ll be looking for students! All are welcome.



Hi everyone,

I just arrived in Taiwan on the 26th of August and I will be staying here for nine to ten months. I was hoping for some assistance in finding a good martial arts program or teacher that isn’t too far from Cheng Kung University. I will be attending the Chinese Language Center throughout my stay and I think taking up a martial art would be a good way to keep me sane and in shape as a balance against my studies. I’ve no preference really as to which style of Kung Fu to take up. Be it as calm as Tai Chi or as aggressive as Hung Gar I’m content either way.

I saw an old man practicing Tai Chi in one of the parks on campus and I think he goes to the same spot consistently. I was wondering if it would be exceeding any boundary for me to ask him for a couple brief lessons or advice on how to get started learning some Chinese martial arts. This is my first time traveling anywhere at all, so having just been sort of plopped down in Asia I can’t say I would be the best to make that kind of cultural judgement call but my Chinese is decent enough to the point where I think I could communicate with him, any thoughts?

Thanks ahead of time,


Ps. Don’t worry I am not dreaming of some 80s martial arts montage that ends in me becoming a Grand Master :bow: by the time I leave, I just want something simple but preferably traditional.

Hi Nick,
We must share a parallel universe with a phase shift. I practice mostly in the Peninsula area (near San Francisco Airport) in Tai Chi. I have very fond memories of Taipei and Aikido in the late 1970’s with the late Lee Ching-Nan laoshi. Good luck to your exciting Taipei experience, but do have an open eye and open heart to other systems like Ba Gua Zhang. My training now takes me to major cities in Shanghai, Macau, and other major mainland China cities.


p.s. Have you considered to train in Japan after your Taiwan endeavor?

Hello Noviere,
Hung Gar is not my area of interest. If you are in Tainan, you may be fortunate enough to meet Cheng Man-ching lineage Tai Chi practitioners. You should head to a public park by 7:30 am before the smog and air pollution rolls in. Ask if the TC players are doing the Beijing 24, 42, 48 short forms in the park. The traditional long forms of Yang, Chen, Wu, and Sun styles are slowly lost due to Wushu/Beijing short forms.

I am now a ronin Tai Chi player, if strangers come and ask to join me for practice, I am happy to help them out to pass on the my limited Tai Chi knowledge. Ba Gua Zhang and Xing Yi Chuan are still strong in Taiwan.

Good luck.

p.s. I trained with Lee laoshi (Lee Ching-nan) in the late 1970’s in Aikido and later further my training in Japan.

After pouring through searches and posts, I think this is the right place to ask.

Does anyone have any information on kung fu schools in taipei?
I am specifically looking for kung fu schools… not Qi Gong, tai chi, karate, mma, tkd, jkd, aikido, jujitsu etc.

From earlier posts, I have seen some Wing Chun information but its not really my thing (no offense) I am hoping to find some traditional style like Hung gar or Bak mei that shares some similarities with the style I studied and prefer (I have tried several of the above styles)

[quote=“Lo Pan”]After pouring through searches and posts, I think this is the right place to ask.

Does anyone have any information on kung fu schools in taipei?
I am specifically looking for kung fu schools… not Qi Gong, tai chi, karate, mma, tkd, jkd, aikido, jujitsu etc.

From earlier posts, I have seen some Wing Chun information but its not really my thing (no offense) I am hoping to find some traditional style like Hung gar or Bak mei that shares some similarities with the style I studied and prefer (I have tried several of the above styles)[/quote]

you need to go to HK to find that. what you will learn here is a watered down lazy version of. You may be better off looking for Japanese styles, or influenced styles in Taiwan. Or settle for traditional types of kung gu with a weird twist.

Hell, I would settle for that for now but all I seem to be able to find is Tai Chi and Wing Chun…

I studied in HK and yeah you can definitely find it there but I have my career here. They must exist… I have seen enough lion dancers here on several occasions and Lion dancers usually come from traditional kung fu schools

Will add my details here…

Art: Bahad Zu’bu

Description: Eskrima / Kali / Arnis / FMA (Filipino Stick and Knife Fighting)

Location: Longjing, Taichung / Island Wide

About me:

A certified instructor under GM Yuli Romo, I have trained extensively with GM Yuli and the art’s top instructors over the last 5 years - 4 of which I spent living and training in the Philippines. I regularly return to the Philippines to refresh my knowledge.

I am based in Taichung County and currently there are no regular classes (though I hope that will change in the future). Like many, the art is best taught 1-1 and I would be willing to travel island wide and the cost reflected in the session fee. Contact me for more details about that.

Our website is:

My Teacher’s Teacher is Tatang Ilustrisimo and here’s a great vid: … r_embedded

My instructor: … r_embedded

Here’s a video of me doing some knife stuff. A bit full-on but I like to mix “realistic” training with the “art” side of things. Martial Arts aren’t about killing people - but that also holds true if what you’re training isn’t based on reality imho.

Drop me a line if you’d like instruction or just to chat about FMA / training in the Philippines, etc, etc.

Hi all looking for those who would either like to become training partners or those who would like to take lessons. My take on Functional Fight Training comes from 20 years of traditional training in various styles as well as security training which is the direction I am now going in. Training will consist of giving solid fundamentals in Stick, Knife and Fist. This training aims to bring functionality and understanding to those who may have trained in Traditional Arts for a long time but still cant use them. If your interested in training with or exchanging information in an ego free environment (grown ups only please) then leave me an email and we can meet up.

I am based just outside of Taipei so would be looking to meet somewhere in or close proximity to Taipei.

Hi guys, would like to learn Wing Chun in Taipei but couldn’t find any other than those community centre ones(i don’t really like it). Can u guys suggest me some decent ones which won’t break my wallet into pieces?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

If you can come in Tainan i will teach you for free . :slight_smile: