Mass Immigration

I think some context is probably helpful to the conversation. This is a more detailed look at who is coming (as well as leaving) Australia. The first thing that jumped out at me was the largest country emigrating to Australia is by quite a large margin the UK, number 2 and 3 are India and China, number 4 is NZ.

Australian Migration and Population Dashboard | Scanlon institute.

As the article notes.

Migration to Australia is dynamic. Rather than people simply arriving and remaining here for the rest of their lives, people are coming and going. This is a consequence of changing patterns of global mobility.

Which means if we were to look at Australia properly, we would need to really dig into the details, I think it’s more complicated than just saying

Consider a country of 25m bringing 200-400k new citizens a year.

Then assuming they are all coming to make their lives there and they are all from certain demographics and not factoring in those going home on student visa and so on.


Why? In nature, evolution ensures what is necessary and can adapt, survives. Why should we forcefully preserve some dying language or culture? Other new languages or cultures will spring up

Different sources?

New permanent migrants to Australia by region (2016-17)[21]|Region|Number of migrants|
| — | — |
|Southern and Central Asia|58 232|
|North-East Asia|37 235|
|South-East Asia|31 488|
|North Africa and the Middle East|28 525|
|North-West Europe|25 174|
|Oceania and Antarctica|16 445|
|Sub-Saharan Africa|11 369|
|Americas|9 687|
|Southern and Eastern Europe|7 306|
|Supplementary and Not Stated|492|

Presumably Britain is included in North-west Europe, and New Zealand in Oceania, India in South Asia. China is in North-east Asia?

Canada for comparison

A return to normal immigration patterns with these higher targets would mean that in 2021 Canada could expect:

  • 100,568 new permanent residents from India;
  • another 35,538 immigrants from China;
  • 32,688 from the Philippines;
  • 14,805 from Nigeria;
  • 12,684 from Pakistan;
  • 12,667 from the United States;
  • 11,891 from Syria;
  • 8,260 from Eritrea;
  • 7,173 from South Korea, and;
  • 7,115 from Iran in the same year.
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I think you are listing permanent migrants, there was a section on that lower down in the link I gave, people who get permanent visa’s which is smaller than the 200k to 400k, More like 160k which is more in line with your numbers.

The breakdown of that 160k is 110k skilled workers and about 50k getting permanent residence for family reasons.

But didn’t provide the breakdown by nationality which yours does, that seems helpful for the discussion. Here’s a direct link to the article.

Yeah, looking at the Scanlon Institute numbers it doesn’t weed out permanent immigrants. I bet a lot of the UK migrants are young people heading for a working holiday.

Where did I talk about race?
Good job completely missing the point. If you read what I wrote you’d know I my issue here isn’t with cultural change.
Cultures change gradually over time. They don’t rapidly dissapear or get replaced unless there’s external factors
Some people like their culture and are protective of it,would you know.

Biology and anthropology are different
Cultures and languages die out because the people either died out or got assimilated

Ok. So why protect them? If people don’t speak a language because it’s either difficult or of no use anymore, let it die it’s natural death.

Kylie Minogue :+1: :+1: :+1:

Because diversity is our strength

No, I think the world is more interesting with variety

Are you arguing that we let progress take its course and let ‘inferior’ cultures go the way of the dodo, or that we tell conservationists they’re wasting their time and we shouldn’t aim to preserve dead and dying cultures/languages

This is informative,cultural%20diversity%20in%20Greater%20Melbourne.

I was looking at Melbourne data. 34% are born overseas; something like 28% if you take out people from Anglo countries. Interestingly, the number of people born in the UK is decreasing.

Preserve them in literature.


Desilu has got this one right.



Yes, I also looked at what the official story is. See here

However, it is important to note that the Australian Government’s immigration policy focus has changed markedly since 1945, when attracting general migrants (primarily from the UK) was the priority, to focussing on attracting economic migrants and temporary (predominantly skilled) migrants. Currently the planning figure for the Migration Program is 190,000 places (it has remained at this record high level since 2012–13), with skilled migrants comprising the majority.

Which would mean the 160k I gave earlier, is below the 190k planned and it’s of particular note this is planned, with an emphasis on skilled migrants, which is also reflected in the numbers, 110k skilled and about 50k joining family.

This is a different situation to the US which had 172k ILLEGAL immigrants to the US in the last MONTH. Not vetted for competency or ability to sustain or contribute to the community, the Australian policy is quite deliberate and I’m sure there are good reasons for the policy, I can think of quite a few off the top of my head.

Seems like a pretty easy problem to solve, don’t let the mainlanders in. It’s basically a national security threat anyway when they are so brainwashed they remain loyal to the CCP even when out of china. Who needs the hassle?

That not really the case though, most Chinese business owners are shit scared of the CCP.

More like Joey bag of doughnuts runs a chain of hair salons, makes a ton of money and thinks pollution in China is so bad for him and his family he will move to Australia. Australia sees a guy with a load of money able to buy property, will set up a hair salon business and hire some local Australians, welcome to Australia.

In China it’s pretty hard to impossible to run a business without participating in a corrupt system of backhanders to officials, which means the rich class fear everything they own can be taken away at a whim by the state hence they flee to Australia or UK and try to put their money somewhere safer.

The CCP may have actual spies, like Fang Fang the spy that was sleeping with Eric Swalwell in the US and they may try to influence politicians. But thats something else.

I wonder if the reason why rich Chinese move to Australia is because of no inheritance tax to keep out of the commies hands when they pass it down.

One can be shit scared and still enjoy it. As I’ve mentioned above, a recent poll show a shocking amount of Chinese immigrants view democracy negatively.