McDonald's in Taiwan

I’ll eat it.

It’s the same crap, it just tastes better because so much else on offer is so much worse.

I thought that the key to McD’s success was appealing to kids, who in turn beleagure their parents for happy meals.

So, why are you still buying their crispy vegetable oil sponges?

I find it hard to believe that McDonald’s food tastes like crap. I like it. I know it’s not good for me, but I eat it. I think if it tasted like crap, I wouldn’t eat it. I’m not sure exactly what crap tastes like, but I can imagine.

I have a challenge for you, Doc. Go to McD’s and buy the chicken burger, then Burger King, then KFC. Then taste all three burgers side by side and report back to us. Maybe add a nice gourmet burger joint like KGB to the list.

Perhaps we could get someone with actual taste buds to do this, too? :stuck_out_tongue:

I confess that I don’t really mind McDonald’s food at all. It fills you up and isn’t unpleasant. Having recently spent 2 weeks in Panama City and having given Panamanian ‘cuisine’ a fair try, Mc Donald’s was way better. And cheap as chips.


My favorite chicken burger is at Century 21.


Jaboney has hit the nail on the head. Also, McD’s is more ubiquitous (I realize that’s something of an oxymoron but there it is) than any other “burger” chain, so to compare it to BK or others is apples and oranges.

You can’t really compare a McD “burger” to a real burger or even most other burger chains, it has a taste and aroma all its own, I consider it practically a separate food group. It’s the best in its food group - kind of reminds me of that Brian Clough response I heard recently “I wouldn’t say I was the best manager in the business. But I was in the top one.”

We should expect them to go out of business soon, because their food is terrible and tastes bad.

the ones over here in Calif are mostly staffed by Mexicans :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ve noticed they do this. I thought that they were supposed to anticipate, based on past records, what a the makeup of a typical string of orders would be: 25% Big McMacs, 30% Chicken McSandwiches, 70% Corn McSoup. etc.

McD is about the last place I’d eat at.
I don’t mind their ice cream, but that’s about it.

It was the last place I ate at.

Why is it that in Taiwan a Big Mac used to be menu item #1, and was called a Maixiangbao, but now it’s menu item #4, and is called Damaike?

Have you ever thought of starting your own back to basics commune, because your posts increasingly express your contempt for modern society and the people in it.

Appreciation of quality products produced by modern society and the people in it, and the ability to discriminate between those and the crap products made by the same society and people somehow equals contempt for that society and those people? :loco: Your logic is slipping, TomHill.

Agree with the Swede…is something like the “taste of a McDonalds offering” really worthy of discussion?

You express a disharmony in your position. On the one hand the people and the society are making some quality products, but on the other hand the same people and society are churning out what you label as ‘crap.’ Maybe contempt isn’t the right word. Disdain? Perplexity? Frustration?

I will admit to being utterly perplexed by the low standards of both the producers and consumers of something like McCrap, yes, and I obviously hold McCrap in utter disdain. I am perplexed, and yes, frustrated, by the way people allow themselves to be (as I see it) brainwashed by advertising into thinking that substandard products of every kind (beer, chocolate, processed pasteurized ‘cheese’ products, formulaic Hollywood movies, and so on) are somehow worth actual money. Quality versions are often available on the same shelf or in a nearby store for just a little bit more, and the difference is often tremendous, so I honestly don’t understand why one would reach for vegetable oil sandwich slices, for instance. That’s not a condemnation of modern society – just being perplexed by this one aspect of it, the lack of any pursuit whatsoever of quality. And McCrap symbolizes this perfectly, being, as it is, utterly devoid of quality in every aspect. :idunno:

People don’t ‘want’ gourmet burgers, because they are too heavy and dense. I’d feel sick for two days if I ate that amount of bread and meat in one go. They have no ‘mouth feel’, as they say in the ‘industry’. MacDonald’s stuff is designed to not be chewed much, be salty, sweet and fatty, and to fill. You makes your choice. It’s not remotely perplexing. You just have to step outside of your own value system.

MacDonald’s fries are gorgeous. Truly wondrous. And their fried chicken is just delicious, compared to the roadkill crap so get in nightmarkets. Britain doesn’t even sell it - they have their own menu with the minging ‘deli sandwiches’. It seems that Britain can’t get enough of dry chicken breast with glob and lettuce, on white ‘ciabatta’.

Their cheap coffee is also head and shoulders above many ‘premium’ places.

It’s a choice. I don’t go there very often, because I don’t do well on meat, dairy, bread, sugary drinks, etc, and I wouldn’t dream of eating those high cal ‘gourmet burgers’ which are just heavily marked up mystery meat sandwiches that you wait ages for.

But I’ll have a cup of coffee and steal my sister’s fries and enjoy it very much.

MacDonald’s is also a poor person thing in the Yook, so it doesn’t have the connotations it has in Taiwan and the rest of Asia - climate controlled, neutral, spacious place to do your homework, and so on. The great British peasant has been eating scary shit since the industrial revolution, and still we have a highish life expectancy!