Meanwhile in Hong Kong

Yep. The last world factory that was replaced was Japan. Before that the U.S. Before that Britain.


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The Silence Of Pope Francis

The Wall Street Journal - 12/07/2020


Jimmy Lai formally charged under the national security law with collusion with external forces

Poor guy. Vale!

All those chains on a mere advocate for the freedom of speech

I still can’t figure out if the CCP completely lacks any awareness of how stupid this looks to people from normal countries; or whether their explicit aim is to tell everyone on the planet: “See this? It’s you next”.

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No one is watching

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Most of what happens in China in terms of diplomatic relations or what is seen in the public eye are driven by internal factional battles or for the domestic audience. That’s why it looks so horrendous and disconnected to us.

Xi has people gunning for him. He needs to make political shows to please his hawkish neo-Maoist hardcore element in the party.

The public spanking of Jack Ma and Alibaba was also that. Ma is backed by Jiang Ze Mins Shanghai clique. This was an attack by Xi and the new left/statist on the pro business Jiangsu/Zhejiang faction.

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The Wolf Warrior diplomacy is for a domestic audience

I suppose everyone is watching. But it seems nobody cares.

I’m just pondering on what the average person is supposed to do about this, apart from boycott Chinese products at every opportunity. The UN (obviously) isn’t interested in such things. I mentioned elsewhere that perhaps there needs to be a replacement organisation that can fill in the deficiencies of the UN in cases like this: inevitably, a club of governments is not going to be of much help in protecting the freedoms of citizens.

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Great piece by Chris Patten discussing HK and his choice for Man of the Year:


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Would be more impressed if his government (Maggie) had not kowtowed to xenophobia in Britain , and had kept entry rights for HKers. That and dazzled by greed for Chinese markets, I suppose.
Liked Patton, and he has tried to clean up after the fact- a bit late.

I don’t think it happened that way tbh

The Chinese forbid giving British passports to Hong kongers and the negotiation had purposely been dragged on for two years by Chinese side.

Negotiation on a deal—the Sino-British Joint Declaration—that has effectively been chucked into the trash can.

Now that’s a great way to get Taiwan to the bargaining table.

/sarcasm off


Yes , hence the push now to give immigration rights to all bno holders

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