Meet the anti-woke left

Yes, 3000 posts mostly trying in vain to explain that the ideas you’re trying to ascribe to me are not what I think and or are cartoonish strawman exaggerations of ideas I don’t actually subscribe to.

I don’t need to ‘own’ ideas I don’t think. If you’d like to argue with some kind of construct of my ideas you’re projecting onto me, you’re welcome to. These aren’t my ideas.

I think a reality check is in order. Things like the EPA (Nixon created this), HSR (every rich country except the US including Taiwan where people love it has one), and affordable college are pretty mainstream. Affordable health care does a lot of good for all of you in Taiwan, I’m sure you guys enjoy it.

Once again, for the record, I don’t support these ideas and you are free to go back and read the posts if you think I’ve endorsed any candidates.

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I’m doing great and out and about. Appreciate your concern tho. I was kind of hoping for answers to the question I asked but I know better than to think you’re able to furnish one.

All the best

Was talking about policies ( ideas) …you just stated “I don’t support these ideas” whilst implying that the GND was realistic .
Just to remind you at how selective your memory is
Your words were re GND
“if the doc itself was organized better and more concisely. I believe that’s leading to people to conclude it’s more unrealistic than it is.”

Maybe you have actually had a change of opinion , and see it as unrealistic now?
You are going to have to engage your followers and detractors in a more sincere way if you want to get elected…unless you just go for the 14th in NY or somewhere safe .
You certainly have some of the major attributes to be in politics ,

“if the doc itself was organized better and more concisely. I believe that’s leading to people to conclude it’s more unrealistic than it is.”

I’ll stand by this. I think its a disorganized hard to follow document that is addressing pretty mainstream political ideas in a way that’s poorly written. That’s pretty damned far from a ringing endorsement.

What I don’t understand is how ideas that everyone seems to enjoy in Taiwan: A nifty HSR, health care people can afford (a big reason why long term expats remain there if I’m not mistaken), environmental protection…why these ideas are rejected knee jerk in discussions of US politics? If the US economy is as great now as everyone is raving it is, why not invest in these things now?

Can any of the Taiwan based people (or formerly) with a straight face say these ‘socialist’ things haven’t made their lives better? There is no way anyone that has lived in Taiwan in the past decade can say they haven’t benefitted from these government initiatives…and if they resent them so much, why are they still in TW when they can go back to the US and be liberated from the tyranny of government health care, transport, etc?

It seems hypocritical.

As far as changing tune, these dialogues have (in their less attacking moments) been a good way to get exposed to ideas I wouldn’t have otherwise. So I appreciate that. The seething personal invective not so much but it is the internet.

Mr. Bombastic at your service :wink:


That’s a good rapper name!

Already taken by Shaggy

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I wonder about this as well. Especially with the HUawei thing going on. Makes me wonder if the US is holding back on the tech until it’s like Gen 8 or what have you. Recall countries like Vietnam and Mongolia went from backwater nowheres to digital nearly overnight.

That and PACs.

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Mr. Fantastic is good too but already taken by MF Doom collaborator.

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I was listening to it …posted and you sneaked in first …Judas Bastard

I love his songs about food.

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Haven’t heard any of his music. Sounds pretty bad-ass though.

Judas Priest Maybe


Catching the sunset with my kids and DJ friends Edan Portnoy and Cx…Sunday at Far Rockaway .

No identity politics America the great. Happy Sunday!


Makes me think of this song.

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Crazy you said that…somehow I knew you’d relate to this before I typed it…I remember I was in virgin records at union square and in front of a display of punk CDs I saw a woman holding her niece and looking at Ramones cds. She looked a lot like someone that would be Joey Ramones mom. She said “look its joey” and was thumbing thru his cds. Asked If she was and sure enough it was. Tipped my cap and said thanks so much showed respect. She was very kind.

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This WaPo writer’s on the verge of being red pilled if he ain’t careful. (Comments by Democrats are hilarious btw)

[Kamala] Harris’s exhumation of busing was greeted over at Fox News with the delirium usually reserved for striking oil in one’s own backyard. Laura Ingraham was almost at a loss for words as the Democrats endeavored to be the brain-dead party she always said they were. Then, to presumed great glee in Trumpland, Biden did not take Harris to task for a cheap shot, but employing his usual logorrhea, he meandered his way to an explanation that lacked, among other things, clarity. Should Biden become the Democratic nominee, he’s going to have to answer for his party’s sudden fondness for a loathed program no one has much discussed in years.

But the Democratic Party is on a tear. One by one, its candidates have embraced losing issue after losing issue. …

What’s the latest on these guys?

Did they fall between the stools?

Did they get lost in the shuffle?

Are they waiting in the wings for their moment? (A moderate’s moment is a sad sort of thing, but mercifully fleeting.)

Not too moderate

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