Men's Favorite Ages Are 20, 21, 22, and 23

I used to use that strategy thinking they would respect my honesty. It didn’t work out well :rofl:

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Woah woah woah, are you Cathy Newman?

I’m not saying anything. I find it interesting, and maybe even amusing.

Also, I don’t know about you guys, but if I wanted a self-confidence boost, I would want it from someone more attractive than myself. :thinking:

I have a gold tooth. Any good?

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I don’t know who that is, you keep posting links and kind of avoiding replying to the things I write.

Only one? Might have less of an impact.


What am I avoiding?

I’m just discussing and sharing information on the dynamic of dating and the sexual market place in today’s age.

I feel that you’re avoiding by giving other people’s opinions instead of your own. I mean for example, what do you find interesting/funny with your OP? What kind of conclusions do you have?

What you have a sense of humor. You younger guys should be chasing her down. I’m almost grandpa age. Anyway enjoy your youth👌🏻 and enjoy Forumosa.

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Like what?

That the chart for men is like completely concentrated in a single line of 20-23 year olds from all ages.

You don’t have to go out with or sleep with the guy. It’s called playing the field. Men have been playing the numbers for years. If women are out for validation, OK, that’s fine. I know more than a few people in their 40s who used dating apps and later married their date.

Ouch. Shallow much?


I’m not young though I can admit to being immature. :smile:

Yes, I understood that much but how come? Is it funny because it’s expected/unexpected?

Are your views of those studies the same as the journalists of the articles you linked?

I know this, I’m just wondering what the point of those links were as a response to “which behaviour is more realistic”. Even though the article about pickiness gave two possible causes/theories, they were thrown out the window and instead “many” women just want validation, haha.

As “many” doesn’t equal all, what about the rest of us, what could be the reason that we don’t only message the top 20%? Or why would guys do that?

I guess? But I did say “if”.

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You don’t think it’s slightly funny men of all ages from 18-50 all prefer 21 year olds?

I don’t quite get what you mean.

I think you’re thinking way too hard about things and taking it too serious. These are stats from OkCupid and silly articles. I’d take it with a grain of salt but I think there’s some truth to it.

I do find it funny and as I wrote, that explains the complaints from my single guy friends. There’s too much competition.

It takes too long to type on my mobile phone so even I forget my point.


Maybe women just find them all below average ;aka ugly. :upside_down_face:

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I’m not taking it seriously (that depends on the definition), I do want to discuss it though even though it’s trivial and silly because this is a discussion forum. The speculations we make/have aren’t the absolute truth, it’s just fun to see were the discussion ends up. Does that make sense?

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I don’t have any real points or arguments for/against anything. Its just funny to see how men and women behave in the sexual market place. Although finding 80% of men as “ugly” seems kind of harsh lol.