Mitch McConnell goes against his own made up rule

The name of the game is Calvinball. Everybody in that town plays it, but some are better at it than others.

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Not sure I see the conflict in this instance.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic from Mitch Mcconnell

According to Republican logic today, Biden is president and this is Biden’s America, so he should get to pick the next SC justice.


If your 1963-2016 swamp returns, the USA will be an open borders sell more of the country to banksters and pedos shithole with eternal wars returning.

your brain has more holes than a cake

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That 50+ year period is the swamp and Trump’s 4 isn’t.


You mean 1776 to 2016. As we can see, this movement is now openly attacking the US, its people and its values, and talking about it like an enemy or opponent in plain language.

So tell me who the president could have nominated this spring that you would rather see on the court than me?- RBG, 2014

Ginsburg put ego over ideology and, in typical Democratic fashion, lost the roll of the dice. Now this president is going to replace her with someone who’s going to make Democrats’ heads explode.

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Why is everything related to this political movement couched in the language of violence? Wouldn’t a president with a regard for American values nominate a justice that is impartial? That’s what the constitution requires.

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Anybody who thinks either side believes in keeping ideology off the Court these days knows nothing about the state of Supreme Court politics.

This has nothing to do with sides. There is a constitutional rule of law that applies to all U.S. citizens. It is a precondition for being a Supreme Court justice that they are impartial, and this has been a cornerstone of US democratic values since 1776.


Usually takes 70 days for SC appointment to go through. Election is in 45. If Dems take Senate, obviously Trump nom wouldn’t go through.

So watch them try to ram one through before election night. It will be shameless.


It’s amazing how quickly they get things done when they want to. Imagine if McConnell prioritized stopping Covid with the same degree of enthusiasm.


Ginsburg was confirmed in 42. Just saying.


Fact Check: Confirming Supreme Court Nominees

It was 50 days.

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The actual cutoff date is January 3rd when current senators’ terms end. Not to suggest the Republican position isn’t hypocritical. It’s rank partisan hypocrisy.

What I’d love to see is McConnell go and try to push some unqualified moron on to the Supreme Court before Election Day and then try to justify to the American people that this was more important than addressing the insanely high unemployment, lack of access to education for so many and the still-out-of-control COVID death rate. Not to mention the lack of funding to both California and the Southeast for the natural disasters that are rendering how many people homeless?

But the priority is power grabs, not working for the American people!