Mobile phone vs. cell phone

No not really because they also make the words more simple such as ; “Colour” to “Color” and “That’s really funny” to “LOL”.
“How are you today young man” = “Y’all Sup”

I don’t advise saying this in the US

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But I holla that at my peeps all the time.

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Traditional English = Mobile phone
Simplified English = Cell phone

Guess which is from where :stuck_out_tongue:

They are both used worldwide depending on how urgent/important the person wants to communicate to someone who is or isn’t listening.

A: “Where’s your cellphone?”

B: No response.

A: “Where’s your cellphone?”

B: “Huh…”

A: “I SAID, where’s your MOBILE phone?!!!”

FIFY :sunglasses:

I honestly don’t know anyone who says cell phone or mobile phone anymore. Just phone.

Where is your phone? I lost my phone! Can I use your phone?

Yes, this is definitely the direction things are moving in.

It’s a rare to hear mobile or cell phone with people in my age group, as rare as them owning a landline.

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I never hear anyone say cell phone OR mobile phone now. Just smart phone. If people have an old phone that predates smart phones, they usually just call it a flip phone.

So you ask people to use their “smart phone”? I think most people just assume people have a smart phone and call it a phone. I do hear flip phone if they do indeed have a flip phone since it does stand out now adays.

Yeah, I hear Brits say “mobile” sometimes, but otherwise it’s just “phone.”

I refer to it as “smart phone” or “phone.” Some people still use landlines, so if I’m giving my number for an appointment I need to be specific.

Not all phones are smart. But they are all cell.

Except landlines