MoI changed the ID Number format

They say the nhi card numbers will remain the same as the old number unless you are willing to pay $200 for them to update it.

It should be free since it will raise some eyebrows when you show two pieces of ID and the numbers differ.

The new ARC and APRC cards will list the original ID number you had on the back. This should eliminate any confusion if you don’t choose to update your NHI card.


All this would be mostly moot if they just allowed naturalization without giving up anything.


So when those systems that can only accept 1 & 2 and have to add 3 ~ 9, could they also add the non-number characters and not let current then of thousands existing APRC cards expire after 10 years ? In the end , the whole software (or firmware) effort might the same to add 3 ~ 9 or just the alphanumeric and all this is wasted time and money to change all current cards. Never had an issue with my current card and really do not prefer to waste all that time visiting all kind of offices and systems to update the accounts. The 10 years expiration is another blow. The government should have considered this and provide a graceful transition to current APRC holder and not create additional headaches (for those that have been tax paying for many years). After a while, using up 3-9, the government will find they need additional ones and they will come up with this great idea to add A~Z :slight_smile:


So did anyone go and update their ARC today?

Can someone who get their ARC this year for the first time comment if they have only the new format or also the old format on the back.

New format has 8/9 on second place.
Old format has A/B/C/D on second place.

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You are definitely speaking too soon.

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I’m pretty sure it’s only when you apply now. My Arc not picked up yet, authorised 21.12 with gold card for pickup in Taiwan.
Online can see I’ve got an old number. Even though it was clear I can’t pick it up in 2020 (applying from Austria with 15 day quarantine not possible to pick up in 2020).

Will need to get a new passport soon anyhow, I think then I need a new arc ID too. So the 10 years requirement isn’t actually one as passports are only valid 10 years too.

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The process for Gold Card holders is to login to the Application Portal and go to the form for Information Change. Select Submission change for new UI No only.
Free to apply and the system will email when the card is ready to collect.
If you need to update your address or passport number you can also wait, when you do this the new UI No will also be issued.


Thanks man. Glad to see that they updated the online platform to let us apply for the new number :grin: I was a bit worried when Kaohsiung NIA told me that they can’t do it.

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I went to the immigration today to file for change of address because I just moved recently. The officer at the counter told me, “I will give you new ID number.” Not that I went there for that, but it just happened to be the right time. I will get my new APRC card on 1/20 with new ID number.


It will probably be ready earlier.

Scan the QR code on the receipt for updates.

Was there any chance of refusing the new number?! I need to apply for an PARC for my son soon and would prefer to avoid all the start up BS with the new numbers.

If you’re getting a new card (or updated details such as address, passport number, etc), I think the answer is “no.”


hmm I didn’t think about that, so I didn’t ask if I can refuse the new number.

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But the officer told me that my old number is at the back of the card, so I guess it won’t be a big problem…

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


You’re speaking too soon.

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Well the ship has sailed :sweat_smile: I will see what happens when I get the card.


Let us know when you get it.
We are trying to reverse engineer some of the encoding and need some people who got it to help with it.

Specifically the third letter of the new ID number. All alien residents and stateless will get a number between 0 and 6.
We need a sample size to know if it is random (probably not), or everyone gets a specific number based on nationality.

Another question people who will get the new format in the future is, if you can choose a specific ID number and get it if it is available (and obviously conforms with the ID formatting and validation).