MoI changed the ID Number format

roger that!

If this happens, I will be amazed. My instinct is: no way.


Would be nice if the new number was the same as the old apart from the second digit replacing the previous letter.

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The last check digit most likely have to be be different too. It is based on weighted sum of all the other letters.

The first 3 letters and the last one have a specific function in new format. Others can be random (match previous numbers).

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Taiwanese have superstition against specific numbers. I would not be surprised if you can ask for a different number if you don’t ‘like’ the randomly assigned one.

You can experience the height of superstition when a child’s Chinese name is chosen.

Even from a list of English names for our son the name Philip was ruled out because it sounded similar to the Koninklijke Philips N.V. company from Netherlands.



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I don’t get it. What’s bad about it ?

I don’t get it either. :sweat_smile:

Something about them making light bulbs and he would be picked at at school for that and become bald (like a light bulb) in the future. :joy:
Absolutely ridiculous. I had to let it go because arguing against it just was not worth it.


Would they have allowed the name Ben despite it sounding like 笨? :thinking:

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FYI for anyone who has the Alien Citizen Digital Certificate, the Taiwanese agency responsible for digital certification (MOICA) has kindly sent us all an email to notify us of this change.

So ~250 email addresses made public because one of the supposedly tech-savvy people there doesn’t know how to bcc. :man_facepalming:


Lol. That’s the joke of the year!!


Yeah, I just received that too!

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Class action lawsuit!


If we can, we should!

You can reply to all to call for class action lawsuit.


Haha, such American mentality.

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It would be if I was American… :wink:


Just received another e-mail from MOICA (I responded to their mass e-mail yesterday politely requesting that they use bcc in future, but no idea whether that’s the reason):

後續採取之因應措施: 接獲此通知信之用戶,敬請勿再次轉寄該電子郵件予他人,以免造成個資外洩之疑慮。


Google translation:

[MOICA] Letter of Apology-To all natural persons’ certificates and foreign populations to notify users of certificate replacement
Hello dear users,

Due to the negligence of the operators of this team, the recipient’s email address was accidentally included in the recipient’s field, and I sincerely apologize to all users.

To this end, the team will notify users of the following matters in accordance with Article 12 of the Personal Data Protection Law and Article 22 of the Implementation Rules:

The email sent by our team at about 16:55 pm on January 7th, 2021, contains the email addresses of 250 recipients. The purpose is to notify the user to renew the natural person voucher with the new ID number, but accidentally put the email address of each user in the recipient field and send it out.

Affected Scope: A total of 250 “email addresses” of users.

Follow-up measures: Users who have received this notification letter, please do not forward the e-mail to others again, so as to avoid the doubt of personal information leakage.

I once again apologize to all users.

On the team of the Natural Person Certificate Management Center


What is this legal term? Isn’t everyone a natural person ?