Mosquito control

Fan pointed at your bed, running all night.

If your house is surrounded by bamboo or shrubs, mosquitoes love that.

I do that but still get bitten. :sob:

just killed a mosquito

Is it possible to get agent orange? you know to kill all the bamboo that mosquitoes loveā€¦

There is glyphosate or imazapyr that kills bamboo. Brute muscle power helps too.

close to my shop is a mini bamboo forest and some guys would chop them down daily (they grow FAST) and burn it.

The trick is to get the whole root system out or they will come back.

yea Iā€™m not going to uproot someone elseā€™s bamboo garden because itā€™s possible they may be growing bamboo shoots too. But in addition to the bamboo garden there are also a LOT of tires which collects water therefore mosquitoes. I wonder if thereā€™s a way to get the government to come and disinfect the place?

When growing bamboo shoots the root system is actually kept very limited from spreading. Just around the bamboo stem actually, itā€™s concentrated in a soil heap, like potatoes. Not really good to keep landslides at bay in mountainous areas.

It is time for someone to invent a night time bedroom laser defence system for mosquitoes. Something like the rig used to protect the diamonds(?) in Mission Impossible I, where Ethan Hunt descends from the ceiling. You wake up in the morning and they are just all lying dead on the floor ready to be swept up.

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Yea you will want a very high resolution camera or highly sensitive radar that can spot mosquitoes, and a sophisticated system of lenses (if using CO2 laser) or a gimbal with a solid state laser (or fiber laser) mounted to it. The problem is how to prevent it from zapping things that are not mosquitoes or even children (and those lasers arenā€™t exactly safe).

Then to be able to use them at home you have to figure out how to childproof it. You donā€™t want children playing around with class IV lasers.

DO NOT use any near infrared or visible light lasers as they have very high potential to blind someone at the power level needed to zap mosquitoes. You want about 50 watts to be safe, especially the laser should probably not be highly focused meaning more power is needed since the mosquito flies very fast so a wider dispersion gives higher hit probability.

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I used to have terrible problems with mosquitoes in Taiwan, but then I bought one of those plugs that sends out a scent that keeps mosquitoes away and, to my surprise, it actually worked. I leave it on throughout the day every day when Iā€™m out (because youā€™re not supposed to put them on when youā€™re inside apparently) and I never have problems anymore.

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I donā€™t know about you but I always feel very unrested and tired after having the fan on me all night. Not sure why this is. Itā€™s like the whirring disturbs my sleep. But it does keep away the mossies which also disturb my sleep.

Iā€™d buy that. At any price.

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I regularly use an ozone machine, industrial strength, to clear my rooms. Itā€™s a bit unwieldy but everything dies.

Read or watch movie before bed and exhale CO2. They will gather on the ceiling above you and you kill them before you go to sleep. Miss even 1, and you may not sleep so well.

Itā€™s late for me although bought recently unless need to returned it back directly to manufacturer.

The other one is RAID also useful but yes it is chemicals.

Not sure if there is new invention like those electronic sounds sensor for snakes, rodents perhaps Iā€™m wrong.

If you bought it in Costco you can return it anytime, no receipt needed. years may have passed, no problem.

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Isnā€™t o3 not very good for you in the same room.with?

Doesnā€™t work with midges so much it seems but many mosquitoes our bodies will develop a resistance to. Woman seem.more prone supposedly dunno .having higher temp.

I work outdoors a lot and always battle.animal.bites. One thing I have found is that when I stop eating.sugars and less fried.stuff after a week I never get.bites. All of my friends and family have noticed this for years that I am.rarely bitten. Not sure if it is.due to.increased body temp with sugar (main reason I avoid it in.taiwan) or if itā€™s a scent thing. But it is very consistent.

If canā€™t kick the sugar, start drinking gin.