Movies That Make You feel Less Depressed After Watching Them

[quote=“Alien”]Didn’t realize you were such a sensitive lil fella, cho.
I just saw Talk To Her, Pedro Almodovar.
Weird film, bit black, but I felt great at the end…and now I want to move to Spain[/quote]

Kumbaya, babe.


african queen
not one less
the christmas one with “you’re gonna shoot your eye out!” (peter billingsly? is the child star, darin macgavin as the old man and kate capshaw as mom)
about a boy

to put my two cents in I would have to say Waiting for Guffman and The Royal Tennenbaums but my all time favorite feel good movie is Amelie. I just think it is great and Audrey Tautou is adorable.

I feel depressed about once a month for around 30 minutes. Mom and Dad just didn’t pass along the depression gene, I guess. Having said that, I recently saw “Secondhand Lions” with Robert Duvall, Michael Caine, and Haley Joel Osment. Outstanding movie that made me smile all the way through. There is a scene where Duvall’s character takes on a group of teenaged “tough guys,” kicks their asses, then gives them his “how to be a man” speech. That scene alone was worth the price of admission.

Whenever my family drives me crazy, I watch “Home for the holidays” with the great Holly Hunter. It makes my own family seem only half as crazy.

Until my mum starts the next silly row :?
