Mrs. Field's Cookies are now in Taiwan

Indeed i have not, but they look like dust.

Your excessive sweet tooth is very bad for your health.

That’s called a normal tooth. Cookies are supposed to be sweet. They are not supposed to taste like dust.

I have no sugar in my drinks though.

2 posts were split to a new topic: YC and GM Bakery - Taipei

I’d be surprised if this place lasts much longer. They no longer sell brownies, which were the only decent brownies I’ve had in Taiwan - even those were not as good as from the hong kong branch. The cookies are ridiculously overpriced. They should have followed the hong kong model of really small shops, something like Mr. donut.

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Taiwanese people it’s no a cookies eater

Is Coco Brownies near Taida still around? They had the best brownies I’d had in Taiwan. Just can’t consume that much sugar anymore.


Back in the day, I was more of a Henry & Cary fan.

Both solid choices for sure!



I thought they were pretty poor to be honest. Tasted like chocolate cake. Around 80ntd for a small square of chocolate sponge cake? No.

Sadly yes. In England you can buy a bag of like 4-5 big cookies, all kinds of flavors in any supermarket for the same price as 1 small mrs fields cookie. Subway is the go-to place here. I shouldn’t complain by being forced to eat less sugar, but then its the drinks that get me here.

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