Murder of Australian woman in Chiayi?


It is best to keep your mouth shut and head down. Don’t act like a tough guy and get into a situation that you cannot get out of. Best not to show anger at trafffic, cutting in lines, rude comments, etc…

Anger here leads to high blood pressure, a negative outlook on life, and an occasional severe beating.

Know where you are and what you are doing. Know when it is time to leave the bar and go home.You are not in your home country, so it is best to keep your s**t wired tight at all times.


I made a few inquiries and supposition was the only info I received.
This is how it goes with gangsters and their ex-girlfriends. If a woman dates a gangster, she is considered to be his personal property. When he is done with her, he dumps her, or sells her. From what I can make out she dumped him and he decided to sell her or farm her out to his friends.
Forced prostitution is by no means unusual in this almost nation. The stories about her trying to get away, sound very similar to stories from other women who try to run away from a life of sexual enslavement. This kind of thing is very common among Thai, Philipino and Vietnamese mail order brides and illegals.
My guess is, she made a call for help to the wrong people,(local law enforcement), and now she is dead.
If anyone can get contact info on her family, I have some personal info for them.

Unless you have gangster friends that’d come at a moments notice if you needed help. I have my Taiwanese “Big Brother” on speed dial. :sunglasses:

I talked to an officer in the national police administration. I used to teach English to his children. He had never even heard of the case, which he said was unusual, as it was his job.

[color=red]This is an official SSETT work advisory [/color]for all foriegn nationals in the greater [color=red]Chaiyi City and Chaiyi County [/color]areas.
The post below, is not an isolated incident. It is the first such incident in several years to result in a death of a teacher. We feel that this represents a new danger for all foreigners regardless of nationality.
We strongly recommend all persons in the area of Chaiyi County, to use extreme caution and relocate to safer areas.
This danger specifically applies to non Asian females. There have been several unconfirmed reports of abductions and sexual assaults in the area prescribed.
Please be careful.

When 23-year-old Australian teacher Elizabeth Bretel, who was working in Chiayi City as an English teacher at a local bushiban, died in what the police have called a freak accident, not everyone in the southern Taiwan city was convinced. Although news stories in both the China Post and the Taipei Times on the island called the death an accident, there are rumors floating around Chiayi City that the woman was the victim of a love affair gone wrong and that she was killed by a local man with so-called “seedy” connections. All this, of course, is “off the record.” Of course.

However, an Australian woman who knew Bretel told a reporter by phone in Australia that Bretel had been involved in a love affair with a young man with known, so-called “unfriendly” connections, and when Bretel wanted to break off the romance, “the man went beserk and threatened her life, her dog, the whole nine yards of male anger.” Bretel had even tried, apparently, to leave Chiayi a few weeks before she died, but she was stopped by her boyfriend on the train to Taipei and turned back, this reporter was told in an anonymous e-mail from Taiwan. The man also threatened to kill her dog, the email said.

Although police have concluded with an autopsy report, stamped and sealed by government officials, that says Bretel died from an accidental fall down a stairways in her apartment building on a rainy night (she apparently slipped and fell), many expats in the Chiayi area are pretty sure that it was not an accident, according to reports coming to Australia. Bretel lived on the 3rd floor of her building, and the police report says she fell from a 5th floor balcony. Go figure. Connect the dots. Local boyfriend with alleged seedy connections, love affair gone awry, male ego damaged heavily by break-up of love affair, death threats, freak accident on a rainy night. Was this an accident? You decide.

According to another email from Chiayi City, from an American woman who knew Bretel, the roof of Bretel’s apartment building showed a wine glass and some home work papers she was apparently correcting at the time of the “accident.” This scene may have been set up by seedy people involved in the “accident,” according to the worried email.

TAIPEI TIMES, January 29: “Police have yet to determine the cause of death of a 23-year-old Australian who taught English in Chiayi. On Saturday, Elizabeth Yvette Bretel was found unconscious, lying in a pool of blood at the bottom of her apartment stairs.
She was taken to St. Martin de Porres Hospital, but doctors could do little to save her life. Police believe that Bretel fell, although forensic experts have yet to reveal the results of an autopsy.”

TAIPEI TIMES, Jan. 29: "Though police note that Bretel was found with a wound to her head, they ordered an autopsy to determine whether the cause of death was due to an accident or other reasons. ‘We will be able to learn more about this case after we receive the results of the autopsy,’ said Shih Kun-mo (

What is SSETT?

Foriegn teacher advocacy group, small but very helpful.

This is a pretty old topic that’s been blahtered about here before, pretty long thread too, as far as I remember. Why bring it up again? Or is this simply a thinly disguised plug for your new website?

What is SSETT? (sorry, but I couldn’t open the link. I guess the server is blocked in China). This information was originally posted on in February 2002. It has more recently appeared in the Job Information Journal at Dave’s ESL Cafe. I really question your motives for digging it up again and I wonder if you are the same person who also posted it at Dave’s ESL Cafe.

If this is true it surprising that at least some of them have not been reported in the media. Again if you have more specific information you should post it, but don’t just post it because of some rumors that you heard (or are trying to spread).

What does this have to do with the title “Work Advisory/Warning”? So far as I can tell, one’s occupation in Jiayi has no bearing on one’s susceptibility to falling down and cracking your head on the steps. Or to murder, if you subscribe to that particular theory. And what on earth does this have to do with teaching English in Taiwan? :?

Nothing. Into Living in Taiwan it goes.

She was a friend of a member. We here at SSETT do not flame individuals or schools as we don’t think it will make any difference. The kinds of problems most teachers have with schools are cultural in their origin.
Why did we wait a year before taking up the cause, because all too often, to much attention to a case like this, will destroy any hope for finding out the truth.
It is the opinion of our membership that we have waited long enough. The local law enforcement authority is not, and will not attempt to solve this case. If we do not bring attention to it now, Mary Bretel will be just another rumor. We believe her life was worth more than that.
You can burry us in the bottom if you like, but it will not shut us up. The moderators here at may feel that it benefits them to let a wrongful death be swept under the carpet, that is your prerogative.

Mary Bretel is not a rumor. She died as a result of a fall, possibly while drunk (there was an empty wine bottle and glass found at the scene, wasn’t there? That’s AT LEAST as stong evidence as anything you have presented).
Wrongful death? Maybe. But until you provide evidence that it was indeed wrongful death, you are doing nothing more than rumormongering and scaremongering. So far, you have provided no evidence whatsoever that it was anything other than accidental.

And I’m sorry, but unsubstantiated claims from you of streams of foreign women being raped, kidnapped and abused does not constitute evidence.

But how about some more hearsay from a different source? Almas John, you’ve been living, teaching and researching in Chiayi for a number of years – what do you know about all this? (Oops, that came out wrong! I’m not making any accusations here!)

So why do the moderators choose to burry this, if they think it needs to be investigated further?
I don’t see the logic in hiding something, when you want someone to take a good look at it.
This incident needs further investigation, that’s not happening. What if Ms. Bretel was your sister, mother or even you. It could very well be anyone of us. That is what we are trying to prevent with the work advisory.
The fact is, something is wrong in Chaiyi, locals and foreigners alike know this. Hiding it from the naive is not doing anyone a favor.

This is total, unadulterated bullshit. I know many people living in Chiayi, locals and foreigners alike. This sentiment DOES NOT exist there, except perhaps in your fevered imagination. If there’s any kind of lesson to be learned here, it might be that its not a good idea to piss off gangsters and hoods, but that is hardly limited to Chiayi.

I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you, your country or it’s people. All I, and some of our members are asking is that this warning be given the credit it deserves. If you feel that Chaiyi, Taiwan is one of the safer places for foreigners to live and work, that is your opinion. The advisory stands until this death has been investigated throughly, which it has not.
You can burry us here as is your right. You are even free to to criticize our work on the more than 100 ESL web sites and forums we publish our warnings on. Unfortunately, as facts go, their is a dead ESL teacher in Chaiyi. I have to question your credibility when it comes to dismissing something like this as heresy and scare-mongering and “unadulterated bullshit”.
If you don’t mind I will forward that quote to her family.
Again, my apologies for the offense.

I’m giving your “warning” every bit of credit it deserves. Please try to read a little more carefully.

For your benefit, I’ll restate: A woman died in Chiayi. This the ONLY fact you have presented. The ONLY fact.

On the other hand, you make the claim that there “is something wrong in Chiayi” based on this incident – which could very possibly have been accidental and very possibly wrongful – and based on unsubstantiated claims of rapes and assaults on other foreign women, for which you have presented absolutely not a jot of evidence.

If this is best you can come up with to persuade the police to reopen the case, then good luck to you.

As for passing my quote on to the woman’s family, be my guest. Although I’d prefer it if you’d present it to them in the context of this thread rather than a stand-alone quote, even though doing so would make it plain to them that you are a buffoon with an at-best tenuous hold on reality.

I think it is you who needs to read the warning a little more carefully. You are making assumptions that may not apply.

Just read this guys web site for more warnings completely lacking in evidence. Like, teachers being deported after posting resumes on
Evidence… please.
Do you live in Chiayi and are trying to scare all the competition away so you can jack up your prices or something?

I’m making assumptions?

I’m not the one recommending a foreigner evacuation of an entire county based entirely on a single ambiguous case. (Oh, and where exactly is your recommendation for a “safer area?”)

Let’s see some EVIDENCE for such a blanket statement, pal. You’re asking for a pretty tall order, considering you offer NO EVIDENCE to back your claim.