My belief is better than yours (OT fr R Mormons Xians?)

Increase your girth! Consolidate your loans! VI*GRA! CHEAP! Are you saved? NO money down!

They’re ALL the same. Fucking spam, perpetrated by the scum of the earth who have a very special place in hell reserved just for them. So in fact, even though, according to you we should be nice to fucking doorstepping zealots because they think trying to foist their silly superstitions on others is the right thing to do, it is THEY who should be nice to ME, since they’re on MY doorstep uninvited and unwanted and DESPITE this, I’m STILL willing to set them straight in no uncertain terms about the importance of respecting people’s privacy because I simply don’t want them to rot in hell – where I KNOW they’ll be going if they don’t stop their spamming – so in fact, by being rude and snippy, it’s ME who’s doing the right thing, not them.
RDO, you think it’s rude to be snippy with people who invade your privacy? Good for you. Me on the other hand, I think people who invade my privacy are BLOODY rude and deserve anything they get short of physical violence.