Of cats and Kittens the running saga of raising Savannah kittens in a house already with three adult cats
Nobody needs five cats my friend says
Quite right but yet here we are
Poyay the big bully Tom cat was the main worry but he has now calmed down and taken up his new job of supervising the kittens
Miura and Lady Dior who will be 12 weeks old next week. The adults were kittens four years ago
Besides the dominant male we have a bossy sister of his we call Bunny and a super shy runt of the liter male called Goldie
Goldie as exiled himself to the guest bedroom due constant bullying by Poyay
This is a problem
Lucky Poy has come around and doesn’t whack the kittens anymore
He’s become rather tolerant and even goes and checks on the kittens often. They are not far from him nor is he from them
Also growled at Bunny today for whacking one of the kittens
The kittens are super sweet and wants to cuddle with the big cats but are met with growls and hisses and whacks
Was nice to see Poy lick one of the kittens when she tried to snuggle with him on his cat bed which he was territorial about
First he hissed at her but felt bad so licked her but then hissed again to tell the kitten to go somewhere else
I fear the adults may make these kittens mean
They really should be in a home with just themselves