My fwb snapped at me after I initiate to stop having sex and be friends? Wtf?

Yes, this is another possibility. @Plasticlove1111 are you sure he knew you guys were only sex partners?

(edited)He never said he wants to be exclusive, nor he never tended made things clear.
I didn’t want to be in a fwb situation but obviously we are in one which he denies no matter how hard I tried to ask him what are we to seek clarity.
I am pretty sure that he was playing tricks with me, giving me fake hopes, intentionally making me jealous like mentioning exes and girls that he had dated and fucked with, trying to be weirdly nice to me which is the behave that only boyfriends would do to their partners, false promises overall red flags which I never fell into it.
I thought it’s okay to continue keeping things casual as he shows how not serious he is in developing deeper in this relationship* , until then he acted out of his character.

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Ok, got it. Well, if he truly didn’t ever see you guys as exclusive, then all the stuff I said before was probably true.

Yup. That’s what I did with my bosses because I wanted to keep them from firing me. I played tricks with them, gave them false hope that I would stay and climb the career ladder, and made them jealous by telling them I had a ton of recruiters trying to hire me.


that’s not completely normal behavior.

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Very normal and common behavior for someone who is immature or more emotional. Less common for more mature and rational/logical people.


Anyway, I’m glad that everything’s over, hope I don’t see him anymore, afraid of that as taiwan foreigners social circle is not that big.

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It’s insecure, controlling behavior. If that’s normal in your relationships, reexamine who you’re in relationships with.



Absolutely not. Yes he can be frustrated and he has every right to try and convince her to stay in the relationship but it’s not normal to fight and burn the bridge over an innocent break up. He has some growing up to do.

No since I’m already an adult, and not of the asshole, super selfish type.


Only seeing your side, it sounds like you were very open and upfront about how you felt and how you wanted things to be, but he perhaps didn’t tell you exactly how he felt. Although, in the very beginning you did say that he told you he didn’t think you two were fwb. So perhaps he was being truthful then and wanted more than just fwb to begin with?

I think percentage-wise, a lot fewer Taiwanese people are brought up thinking fwb is an acceptable situation to be in and generally don’t separate dating and relationship periods.

So maybe he wasn’t mature enough to communicate how he truly felt about what’s going on, and maybe cultural differences added to the breakdown in communication.

Oh, and for the last decade I think, there’s a popular school of thought that promoted guys to not make things clear, and just treat the person of interest as if they are already your girl/boy friend. Although the key is that when prompted about it, telling the person of interest that you already see him/her as your girl/boy friend. So, if that was what he was aiming for, he sort of missed the landing.

why would somebody do this?

TBH after reading your first post I wasn’t sure if I understood the situation 100%. After reading this other one I’m not sure if you understood it. Sounds like you might have been making many assumptions and reading too much into it.


The argument is that it is better than forcing a decision and making things awkward.

Well wasn’t that just called dating or ‘seeing’ somebody as we say in my neck of the woods?
Those words don’t indicate much commitment

You just say you are hanging out?
I don’t get it.

Although i remember that in the US dating multiple people at the same time is common, which is not so common elsewhere
Or wasn’t anyway. Might be now.

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He might be offended because you don’t want to have sex with him anymore. A lot of men have fragile egos.


When a thing becomes not a thing energy must transfer . Tommy’s theory of relativity


Sounds to me like they were casually dating (not fwb), and now she wants to continue the beneficial parts of dating (going to dates, texting/calling) but without the sex.

Understandably, he has rejected this.


Sometimes maybe it’s good to let things cool slowly

Gradually diminish the flame over time

Rather than a blanket ultimatum

Eventually all things come to pass good or bad