My girlfriend doesn't like it when I play computer games

My wife doesn’t like it either.
Nor does she like me wasting time on
Nor spending too much time on the CIHL website, or photos.

She does, however, giggle with evil delight when she beats me and a buddy at Settlers online.

In a relationship, I prefer to show who I am rather than present a seemingly more desirable version of myself which I will later discard to reveal my real persona. (Surprise, I’m not who you think I was! :banana:) If I pretend to be okay with something which irritates the hell out of me thinking “later I will change her” or “I’ll get used to it”, it seems to me I’m asking for trouble down the line. When it is apparent that there are irreconcilliable differences in the relationship, giving up the girl is the wisest move.

LOL. Sorry, it always happens to me that I take the girl’s side -usually Taiwanese- while the male side -usually furriner- complains about it.

Enough time with the guy is never enough for the girl. (or viceversa) Sigh

Probably he’s giving her enough time, but for her, she finds TV time valuable, and wants to share it wit him. Not logical, but that is the way the cookie crumbles. We do have a dilemma.

yes you should be who you are, and if computer gaming is who you are then you need to be true to your calling. And get another woman.

Yes, you are right. Criticizing TV habits is a bad idea. She’s a big TV lover, and it’s sometimes it’s a little frustrating having a conversation with her while she is glued to the T.V. ( a lot of “yeah”, “no”, “what?”, "什麽?“對”,“對”,“不行”,eeeeeeeeeh?)I agree, I shouldn’t give negative comments about her TV habits, especially if it is in retaliation.

There is one thing that I did ask from her when we started dating, and that was that we wouldn’t watch TV while we were eating dinner, having a meal, etc (snacks are ok.) I don’t know if it bugs anyone here, but I don’t like having a TV on while I’m eating a meal. Guess it was just kinda the way i was raised.

jajaja gracias Tommy por tus consejos. Se que es importante para la mujer ver la tele juntos.

And I do enjoy computer gaming, but not to the point I’d leave my GF over it. To be fair, she does tolerate it to a large extent, so I’m probably just being a bit biased in my initial description :unamused:

Edit: grammar errors

It’s one thing to criticize her TV watching, and another thing to point out that it is a recreational activity on a level with gaming.

Psst , maybe you can get Tempo to argue your case with the little lady? :slight_smile:

but yes I do like your rules. No TV during dinner because actually Tv takes away your together time. My ex was so glued to the Tv as well. It was impossible to get thru to her when she was zoned out with the tv. Seems Taiwanese girls are really zoned in with those stupid variety shows they have on tv.

And used to be when we were watching MTV (she liked that too) she would criticize that I didnt pay attention when a song was being played but always did when the VJ Nonnie comes on between songs. They are tuned in watching a show but still paying attention to what you are doing, trust me.

Bring them to a different country where there is no Taiwan TV and they stop watching TV pretty much though.

That kinda happened with my girlfriends too. As soon as they discovered fighting games (and I let them beat me, or they beat their own girlfriends at it), they became fanatical and enjoyed “destroying the opponent”.

So make her join u i guess. i hear many WOW couples do that.

Nothing short of a divorce no doubt. My wife loves to watch tennis on TV. I hate Tennis so as of now when it’s on all day I can play computer games… erh I mean work at the office

I’m also against computer games. It turns friends into zombies. I mean what I say. Where have you ever seen somebody playing games 3 days straight? It can’t be good in the long run.

Have you seen anyone do anything for 3 days straight?

I think that’s his point.

I slept on a couch for 3 days while a friend was playing from Saturday night 9pm to Monday 3am.

I wonder how that friend kept his sanity. When ever I play intensively, strategic thought is on my mind all the time. I once was playing chess so intensively that I would plan my path from one classroom to the next in terms of chess moves. This was not voluntary thinking on my part: the path analysis would just come up. :loco:

I once worked 36 hours straight on a paper (no sleep) and at the end I was hallucinating and paranoid. :astonished: I never did that again.

Combine gaming and not enough sleep and I guess the result can be dangerous. :runaway:

It’s dangerous for relationships of all kinds for sure.
When I see the guys playing, I think to myself, “It takes a lot of concentration and intelligence to do what they are doing. They could have used it well as pilots or scientists.”

Swap girlfriends

I don’t know what the big deal is. Computer games are a hobby like any other. Its much better than the vast majority of crap on TV. I think you should just dump your dumb girlfriend and find someone who respects what you do with your free time. Its not like you can enjoy watching the TV with her either if its in Chinese.

Can you imagine what it would be like if you guys were married?

It won’t be a problem because the money to spend on video games has already been A) spent on shoes B) loaned to her family or C) set aside for further expenditure on shoes? :wink:

everyone’s different but sounds like your girlfriend is quite demanding and selfish. you shouldn’t let her drag you around like a dog(and this applies to everyone whether you are a dude or a chick :wink: ). Relationship is about compromise, and stubbornness isn’t part of it. (eg. she watches crap tv while asking you to stop playing game just cos she hates it).


Yeah, I should definitely compromise with her about these things. She’s not too unreasonable, only sometimes. :frowning: