My girlfriend doesn't like it when I play computer games

Just play her this video on Youtube…

Halo 3

I like to play computer games from time to time. Wife doesn’t like it all that much, but then again, she also doesn’t like me watching rugby too much, farting around on Facebook and Forumosa etc etc…

Me? I don’t like the fact that I have to work for money, but I have to do that. So when I have the time to veg out and escape from child rearing, being a husband or teaching (read babysitting and being driven to thoughts of murder and/or suicide), I’m happy to do something I like. She gets to watch crappy Taiwanese talk shows etc etc. Give and take.

I guess everything in moderation - All the people here slamming computer games probably just haven’t come across a game they like. Sure if you play every day to the detriment of a real social life or fresh air that’s not good, but on the whole I’ll agree with the OP that they probably kill far less brain cells than Taiwanese TV. Computer games can actually help with your logical thinking and development of reaction times, but sure they’re unlikely to teach you world history in the same way a good book will, but then what book is going to teach you those things a computer game can?

My girlfriend loved playing my DS (which admittedly I don’t play these days) so much that I got her her own one. She also enjoys casual phone games like Bejewelled. She also has one of those cheap NES clone systems with Mario and others 80s arcade games. We’ve talked about getting a Wii and she likes the idea of Wii Fit (maybe you can convince you’re girlfriend it’s a fun way to exercise :smiley: )

Several years ago, I had a Taiwanese girlfriend who absolutely hated it when I played computer/video games (or read comic books), even though I didn’t even do it that often at the time. She associated it with the absolute worst stereotypes of East Asian men. But I’m inclined to think this situation might have reversed now with the proliferation of mobile phone games and it’s now the boyfriends who can’t stand it when the girlfriend spends all her time playing games?

You may or may not be correct. You could just, simply be wrong. Or you could be right.
The ennui in this gravedig is palpable.


Just play dota instead of LoL then.

I totally understand her, but gaming is hardly an Asian thing. Westerners play it all the time.

Women tend to only play casual, non-interactive games like candy crush where the game can be switched off whenever they want. The thing with games guys love to play don’t allow that, so I doubt the situation has reversed.

You frag her!


To avoid conflict agree on times where both can do solo activities.
This can be anything. You don’t have to explain yourself. Everyone has different interests and recreational things don’t have to be productive.
Watching TV, playing games, going fishing, playing golf, going window shopping.
To ask from someone to be productive at any time is ridiculous. She is your partner, not your Taiwanese boss. (arguably :grin:)
It is a red flag for me if your partner tries to control what you do in your solo time.

Playing games improves reaction times, problem solving under pressure, tactics, teamplay. Some games can teach you quite a bit about a particular topic.
Computer games have many genres, which can simulate a lot of classical hobbies that can be costly and simple impossible to do.
Some games can also be a complete waste of time, but it is your time and you should decide what you want to do with it.


Did things work out, OP? Married with kids now?

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I just told my gf that playing games is my hobby. I don’t play all day or everyday. But I will spend time with certain games that I like when they come out. I don’t see an issue with that; people have all kinds of hobbies.

And I think playing games made me smarter and able to problem solve and think of things In a strategic way/ come up with solutions. I do think games can improve your cognitive abilities.

More like it reduces attention span and murders eyesight.

There have been a few studies to show positive impacts on cognitive abilities.

At the very least, it makes me happy and it’s a way for me to relax and enjoy something. I think that’s a positive hobby.


Uh no, it isn’t. If it’s done in moderation it’s a tolerable hobby, but the problem with games is that they are addicting, so many people end up spending all their time, sometimes even all their money, playing them.

It’s like drug or alcohol.

I don’t see how that’s different than me playing a sport. I used to spend like 5-6 hours at rec every day playing basketball all summer. That’s all I wanted to do.

I’ve spend way more money and time playing sports. Even flying out to Thailand to train and fight. No one seems to think that’s a waste of time. I don’t see why video games get so much stigma. If it makes someone happy, who cares. They’re not harming anyone.

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Doing sport is good to your physical health. Gaming all day is not.

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Put it this way, would she rather you being staying at home playing your gamez or out and about with people and risking making a bad decisions.


Or by chance meet someone else who is nice and not control freak. :joy:


Somewhat true. Physical activities is good, but I don’t think getting punched in the head repeatedly is all that great for my help. My knees have also not been so great after so much basketball.

I would say gaming can improve mental health. Makes me happy and relives stress. It’s fun. Probably not great if that’s all you do; but I think it’s a beneficial hobby to have for those who like it.

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Tell that to the guy who fell of the cliff and died by cycling in the mountains recently.

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Sports injury >>>> couch potato obesity.

I would say drinking can improve mental health. Makes me happy and relieves stress. It’s fun. Probably not great if that’s all you do; but I think it’s a beneficial hobby to have for those who like it.

I would say doing coke can improve mental health. Makes me happy and relieves stress. It’s fun. Probably not great if that’s all you do; but I think it’s a beneficial hobby to have for those who like it.