Mysterious pneumonia cases exploding in Tianjin, China

Possible. IIRC the new WHO health regulations come into force at the end of December unless any government objects (they’ve had plenty of time to do so, so IMO safe to assume they won’t now). The associated “pandemic treaty” gives the WHO unilateral power to declare pandemics and to dictate international response. But I’m sure the timing here is purely coincidental.

Not seeing this reported anywhere else beside a couple of Twitter accounts. The mainstream media loves sensationalism, so if even they’re not reporting about it then I don’t think it’s a big deal. Probably just a bad outbreak of an existing influenza strain.

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Not currently any direct flights to Taiwan so that’s maybe something.

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Meanwhile in Taipei, pharmacies are taking down their 3 boxes for 59 NTD sale on masks…

TBH, if this is the next pandemic 1. It is a bit earlier than expected 2. WHO publicly asking China to pretty please tell it what’s going on? when it is usually kept in the dark? Mmmmm.

As to when SARS the trilogy will be completed, it is not a matter of if, but when.

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Too soon though.

Hand soap?
Toilet paper?
Check, check, :white_check_mark:


The key back then is that China incubated the virus for months within its population, suppressing news about it while weaponizing its airports (Wuhan ramped up direct flights to many cities around the world prior to Covid) to spread the virus to the world. They also used Wuhan as the main city for release due to its existing BioLab and critical importance to China’s supply chain which they hoped to hold hostage against the U.S. as part of the Trade War retaliation. The bio lab means that China’s act of war can easily be seen as an accidental leak.

China then leveraged the Trade negotiations to encourage the west to turn a blind eye for just a bit longer because it appeared China was going to make big trade agreements at any moment. Little did the world know that China never intended to keep any of its agreements anyways, and was only buying incubation time. By the time China locked down the virus was robust and spreading around the world.

As for this current pneumonia, it’s too early to know if it’s serious. But it’s a good sign that we already know about it. So I’m leaning toward this being a nothing burger at the moment.

Presently, Tianjin is a major hub and port, and located across from Korea. 40% of Tianjin area is made of wheat, rice, and maize. Tianjin holds 1 billion tons of petroleum deposits and produces a lot of salt. Tianjin has lot of heavy industry and chemical industry. Its airport economic area is massive, with plans to have the largest airfreight base in northern China.

If this is the next pandemic, will be interested in how the location of the virus origin will be leveraged in the ongoing US-China Trade War

Oh please. Cue the hysteria, I guess. There’s nothing indicating this is a NEW virus, just a bunch (actually very little so far) of social media hyperbole.

Anyone want to run out and stock up on TP and mask up again, be my guest. It’s a free country. But to me, it looks like a bad RSV/influenza outbreak made worse by shitty immune systems that have been suppressed due to 3 years of COVID regulations.


All you need now is a jab or three. :sweat_smile:

I’m sure there’s some white men sitting around a boardroom table somewhere waiting to see if they can turn it into another opportunity. :money_mouth_face:


It isn’t “the next pandemic”. It’s something we’ve always lived with. It’s possibly more serious now (numbers from China allowing) because children were denied natural immunity.


Made it to the BBC

WHO has urged people in China to take basic precautions like getting vaccinated, wearing masks and hand-washing.

Quickly. Get vaccinated against those clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia


Hospitals are finally getting overwhelmed.

This one may not be it but keeping an eye on what comes out of China should not be dismissed: it’s a high risk area…for everyone else.

In our fourth world side of the world the limited children hospital resources have been overflowing with new pneumonia and everything else under the sun for months -not COVID, that they do not have tests nor vaccines so it does not exist. And there they have not closed nor quarantined. And they got bedbugs, tick transmitted diseases they did not have before/we’re not found before in the tropics, monkey pox, chicken pox, etc all courtesy of tourists. The far reach of our globalized world…

China is far away…not far enough.

Though you are right in a sense as kids, the elderly, the infirm, will be at a greater risk next time as the next pandemic will be labeled yet another “cry wolf”.

And my list is half tongue in cheek: those are the things that first disappear in panic buying. But it is Black Friday, we’ll get good deals.

Why do you think hospitals are overflowing with sick children?

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I still have the one twelve pack of toilet paper since the last run.

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Because they keep getting sick with new strains of COVID, flu, poxes or whatever the tourists/immigrants/travelers bring in. The immune system needs a map, a clue, on how to fight new diseases, but without vaccines against a constantly evolving threat, both kids and adults are left with depleted defenses. It is not as if people there are spraying alcohol everywhere and swimming in Clorox and not leaving the house without masks. Masks barely enough for doctors. The immune system needs time to recuperate and file the plan of attack for next time. Non stop blitz is unwinnable.

SARS Wars? Return of Minister Chen? :thinking:



Sick Chinese kids forced to do homework while they’re hooked up with IVs.

lol… China is just the worst.


Is that image like actually legit? What’s the source?

It looks like a terrible joke. :slightly_frowning_face:



This dude. The epidemiologist who appeared everywhere during the early days of the pandemic. I’m not a big fan of him as he’s one of those doctors that want to keep zero COVID regulations around forever, but I think the picture is legit.