As we all know Taiwanese tv ranges from god-awful to shite. However occasionally, just occasionally there is a flower among the dirt. An oasis of calm among the endless inane and banal sound effects and celebrity worship of someone you’ll never see again.
Yes folks, I’m talking about Mythbusters. Easily the best show on TV here. They blow stuff up, do ridiculous stuff like make cross bows out of underwear elastic and newspaper. Man, I love that show.
Who agrees?
[quote=“Tyc00n”]I got rid of tv a year ago because:
10 channels of useless stock info
10 channels of buddhists
10 channels of crappy B-grade American movies (there are only so many stallone / seagal / Van Damne movies once can watch)
5 channels of shopping
5 channels of 80’s HK movies[/quote]
I probably would have too if it wasn’t for my local Mrs, my Xbox360 or my Wii (which is still in the shop)…
But hell, anybody see the one where they recreated what would happen if you fired a shotgun with someone’s finger stuck in the barrel? That was classic
I love watching that show. They do some of the craziest stuff on it. My favourite episode so far has got to be the one where they were firing bullets into a pool to test…um…forgot what they were testing…but they fired a frickin’ anti-tank rifle into it! Was awesome!
You would apparently blow off the whole arm and shoulder of the idjut who put his finger in there… No surprises there like. But, what they were trying to achieve was the buckling effect or ballooning you’d see on an old school cartoon.
They only managed a slight bulge though… and that was when they welded that barrel shut.
Anyone ever see the one where they put 2 pig carcasses in a corvette and sealed it up for 4 months… thats another great moment
well there is a popular myth that if a person dies in a car and it remains undiscovered, its possible to clean up the remains enough to be able to sell the car. So they tried it with a corvette.
Totally trashed the car, and were only just about able to sell in for spares
Ahh, I see…but still, why a 'vette?? I knew a guy who got his brains blown out in his Mercedes many moons ago and his son drove the Mercedes around afterward…
It’s similar to Mythbusters, but it’s put on by the English, so it’s naturally funnier, and the science is truer. Mr Hammond is in it, for all you Top Gear fans.