
Bless your heart, every source I post you call into question.

So, going forward just ignore me. M’kay?

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I only do that because you persist in your delusion that media on the left are credible with regard to politics.

Open your eyes.


Thank you for dispelling the incorrect assertion.

Do you know what happens when people take surveys?

So show me surveys taken by impartial surveyors if you prefer not to speak directly with evangelicals.

They ask Evangelical Christians why they support Israel.

He’s a fucking bully and a racist.

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You’re equating Washington Post and NPR with InfoWars?! The site that spread the conspiracy theory that the Newtown shooting victims were “crisis actors”? Lol okay, just stop. You asked for sources and she gave them to you. Did you even read the articles?


Yep, when it comes to Trump or any “news” about the GOP. In this case that firmly includes evangelical Christians.

And increasingly whenever it comes to Covid19 in the USA.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Pump up the race-baiting.

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Serious question. How is it race baiting?

Are you asking me how “Arab votes don’t count” is race-baiting? Just trying to understand your question.

Nevermind. I went back and read it again. It wasn’t clear to me. But reading your last post and the Twitter one, it makes sense now.

Carry on. :sunglasses:

Bibi and Gantz have agreed they’re going to annex parts of the West Bank if the US approves.

These two law professors are arguing that they should give Palestinians the right to vote regardless.

Good news: Bibi probably gone.

Bad news: his replacement (Bennett) is even more overtly racist. I sure hope we can get through two years in which he is acting PM and get to Lapid.

Bennett will do everything in his power to fix it, so Lapid can’t take over. Just watch.

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Will Bennett start attacking Lebanon just to prove what a Real Big Manly Man he is, like Olmert did?


Here are some numbers.

Ben-Gurion organized a “Joshua Study Group” of scholars to discuss how to use the Book of Joshua to build Israel. Among the 12 scholars:

  • All male
  • All Ashkenazi
  • All but one were secular

I was told “secular” in the Israeli context doesn’t mean atheist, just means they weren’t observant Jews.
