New APRC rules on 183 days

Sorry if this question has been asked elsewhere already. I’ve just heard about recent changes to the APRC 183 day stipulation whereby we now need to have just spent an average of 183+ days in the country per year, over 5 years, rather than in each year.

So, for example, if someone has been living and working in Taiwan with an ARC for about 5 years but in the middle went to work back in the states for a year, under the new rules they would now be eligible as they would be averaging something like 280 days per year in Taiwan (excluding possible vacations etc)?

And does this apply to people who’ve already completed this time commitment or is it only being applied going forward (ie from 2023 onwards)?

Where did you hear that?

Legislators agree to ease some rules for residency - Taipei Times

Taiwan eases residency restrictions for foreigners | Taiwan News | 2023-05-31 12:19:00

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Would have to wait for NIAs implementation details of the new amendments, though they already have the information of time spent in Taiwan, therefore I imagine they would take total days in past 5 years, divide it by 5 and as long as its 183+ days then its good.

Not sure what NIA will do with the application form for extended leave now.

2 posts were split to a new topic: APRC after 3 years possible?