🆔 New format for ARC/APRC number is not accepted--testing and reporting thread

I know it was rhetorical but…everybody guessed it. Everybody but the gov’t who assured us that they had input the details in a cross-ministerial and things would go smoothly.

I went to Mega Bank to look into this and they were genuinely confused and needed to come back to me because they said they had no details about the change. “Nothing they can do” but have foreigners close accounts, cancel cards and close out CDs then reapply appears to be their current answer though I’m hoping things will be better before I do the change late into this decade.


Despite assurances that banks would be automatically informed of changes, people on Facebook have been describing demands to close and reopen accounts at banks.

Banks were supposed to be automatically informed about the new ID numbers!

Plan and execution may be somewhat different :man_shrugging:


The EASIEST thing to do would have been to send out ONE or TWO people with a working, yet fake ARC to try to get things done and TEST this stuff!

There is no incentive for companies to spend money upgrading their systems and algos. No carrots and no sticks.


I went to Cathey bank this morning because of my new ID number. It took like 30mins. They made me sign here and there. It was ok.


The root problem is that the string Id for Taiwanese citizens and UI No. for foreigners have a different char2. No matter how many times you update/change it if char2=/ [1-2] it will never work.
The reason is developers that actually look for Common Data schema will only look at the correct Id string and ignore the rest, they will never implement let alone update the literally last category in the table without any motivation or punishment like @Marco mentioned.

Now, if the government decides we cannot have the same char2 as Taiwanese citizens, then there was no reason to update the scheme at all, since the solution will be the same (motivation or punishment).


Thank the government, friends.

Thanks Government!

It’s now moved to the top!


Thank you!

I have the urge to send a CNY gift to Audrey. She has been very helpful.
I am not certain if ministers in Taiwan are allowed to accept gifts during their appointment though.


They can’t unfortunately. Even the MPs’ offices I’ve chatted with won’t even take candy from Canada when I fly back.

That’s just the staffers.


You can send :bouquet:


@au need confirmation.

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Public officials are not allowed to receive gifts from people or organisations who have a vested interest in that official’s performance of his or her duties unless the gift is not a benefit from the official’s performance of his or her duty and of a value less than TWD 500.

If the giver has no such vested interests, gifts that are not from relatives or close friends and exceed a market value of TWD 3,000 must be reported.

Speaking personally a :bouquet: emoji is a good new year gift. :slight_smile:


While I commend the effort to bring it to the top to remind people of foreign friends, I still have a fear that devs will skip it or use it to discriminate against foreigners when it is completely unnecessary to do so. The incentives to put in the extra work to add foreigners…which now have to be added twice to accommodate Pre-2021 foreigners AND Post-2020 foreigners is added work for devs when the incentive of doing nothing is simply less work.

In-house dev goes to boss, tells boss web form, app or programme is done. Sets up test environment. Boss inputs ID number. It works. Boss approves.

Thank you.

@the_bear See?







:bouquet: This is a good start, but does the government encourage private entities to check against this list of RegExes when building and updating their platforms or is it up to them to decide how to validate data? Seems like this could have been avoided if alongside the messaging of “UI Numbers are being updated” they were also told “here’s how to validate a UI Number now”. Additionally, if a government agency isn’t using this format to check UI Numbers, what agency should this be reported to? Referencing the Customs agency issue specifically, though there may be more yet to be discovered. Thank you for all of your help!

To the competent authority — the Ministry/Council via e.g. 首長信箱.

The ministerial Chief Information Officer (CIO, usually a deputy minister) is in charge of implementing this policy.

For cross-ministerial issues, the administration’s CIO — yours truly :bouquet: — is always happy to help. We’re working with the Customs agency and Immigration agency on this case and is looking to resolve it by EZ WAY’s April — possibly March — update.


Sounds great. We’ll do what we can to bring the issues to the attention of the appropriate Ministry/Council when we can (when it’s a public sector thing). Thanks for being so helpful and truly a model politician.

26 posts were split to a new topic: We need to go to our own country’s representatives about discrimination

We moved up on the API list too, nicely done!