New name for TAIPEI 101?

I debate on whether or not I should go anywhere near that thing.

Now, let me make sure I’ve gotten the whole list of incidents that have happened since I’ve been in Taiwan…debate about how high it should go…cranes falling off and killing four people…mall catching on fire…chunks of steel falling the 90th floor…

Yep, it’s one of the safest places to be…:unamused:

I sure hope it is not a temporary tower since lots of Taiwanese are pretty damn proud of it. It is their hope to shine in the world!! Well, so far it have in Asia, right?[/quote]
MiakaW, reading your post while eyeballing your avatar makes me think you are 'bout the cutest thing.


Well, thank you Mister! :wink:
And I do still think lots of Taiwanese are very proud of Taipei 101, regardless of the problems. Heck, it will bring more tourism into the country, more foreigners, more cut guys, more $$, why not!

[quote=“MiakaW”]Well, thank you Mister! :wink:
And I do still think lots of Taiwanese are very proud of Taipei 101, regardless of the problems. Heck, it will bring more tourism into the country, more foreigners, more cut guys, more $$, why not![/quote]Now I can see everyone going out to get circumsized just for Miaka…