New Scooter

There was that racist guy against that Dream Lucid guy.

dr milker: complains
person: responds
dr milker: HITLER!! DUR DUR DUR.

bro tf u talm bout :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sorry, not sure how to clearly explain in zoomer language. :grin:

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from what i remember he didn’t get kicked off. he got ignored by everyone until it got famous then he lost his jorb.

Right. That was much worse and he didn’t get banned.

Are you guys really buying the fart ban story?


I’m just curious to see what would happen if he just bought a new Easycard anonymously and then walked into the MRT. How would Chen Xiaojie working the counter know it’s him? If he doesn’t cause trouble, then he’s not likely to stand out amongst the other 500000 people and it’s not like China that has facial recognition everywhere.

unfortunately i have very easy to identify facial features. kinda plagued by it, like literally anyone could identify me, doesn’t help that i’m half white too

maybe you could try getting some noise cancelling underwear? then you won’t need to risk upsetting anyone with your loud offensive farts.

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Let me guess…Pikachu tattoo?

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Were you awake when all this happened?

Only half?
You obviously aren’t trying hard enough.

no i have fart tattooed in my forehead

Like a gassy cloud, or the word “fart”?

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Is it scratch and sniff?

it is the word fart within a green fart cloud

You/We didn’t
That was The Sovs.
And look how it turned out for them

Commie pinko… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Good thing you didn’t go as far as this guy


Yeh, I fart a lot too.

These days I usually have a stamp on my forehead, which I’m told says I had my temperature checked on entry to the building.

Its in Chinese though, so is probably open to a range of interpretations, depending on the smell.

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