中華電信 no longer offers FOX News. Options?


What a feeling this is, achieving cutie pie status! Now I understand how you get that fuel. :rocket:

Why feel sorry for something we didn’t do?

Like the joke that repatriations are.

Just enjoy what we are and what we have and stop looking to be outraged.

It is funny how americans are so black and white. Because i hate fox (due to it being total shit and digital brain cancer) doesnt, if fact, make me a leftist. Same ither way around.

Fox is crap. Its like watching trevor noah. Equally mind numbingly retarded, lacki g facts and just friggen annoying.

Its like saying Bush was a cunt, and people think you are pro obama. Or you hate obama so people think you are pro trump. When did people get so dumb?

Fox is shit. Cnn is shit. Msnbc is shit. Tvbs has BS in their friggen name. Jeeze. This day and age people are like dogs defending their piss tree.


Agreed with you on Noah. From the start, I never liked his few appearances on TDS before Stewart left, when he started I was hopeful it might work out because there were some good moments from him. But over time he has been consistently ineffective. I’m sure I agree with a lot of his basic points but like you said, he could easily use facts to prove those points and make them a lot funnier.

His standups are pretty good though.