中華電信 no longer offers FOX News. Options?

I may be in trouble then. :eek:
I get all my news from a certain derelict forum… :trollface:


The worst thing about the BBC is that they’re shills for the PRC.

You mean like Netflix or something?

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Some times , some places it’s better to give than get.

That’s why they make channel ‘packets’. In the small print it will say that they have the right to change the packets any time without reimbursing.

Haven’t watched much Fox since their biased coverage of Iraq Wars in 2003.
I did catch Tuckers interview with Andrew Yang and he treated Andrew Yang and Tulsi better than any other Network shills like CNN, MsNbc, Jimmy Kimmel, Colbert, The View


When people start thinking colbert, kimmel and the view are news it is time for them to cancel their cable and start going outside…

Msnbc and cnn are clearly bias, like fox, but at least they are “news”. Yikes, people need more sunshine, excercise, better food or what? Also calling opinion shows on fox news is clearly not right. Even they have to tone down morons like hannity. But hannity is to the right what colbert is to the left. Just presented differently. Actually hannity does tend to present itself as a news show. Guess could fairly say, fake news. Colbert is at least clearly just a mind numbing dumb ol comedy show, and advertised as such.


I’m leaning towards my theory of the distributor discontinuing availability of the signal. Likely when Sky News was owned by Fox/News Corp the distributor offered both Sky and Fox News at a discounted rate. Since Sky was recently purchased by Comcast, there was likely a sunset period that expired on Jan 1.

It’s not available from Kbro: https://www.kbro.com.tw/K01/catv-table_1_0_2.html
Nor Taizhung’s VeeTime: http://www.veetime.com/page2.aspx?c=42

I have a sneaking suspicion they don’t actually think this, it’s just a ‘clever’ way of trying to argue equivalency between an entity like Fox and whatever on the left.

Trump vs crazy homeless person, white supremacists vs ‘antifa’, fox news vs comedians. Whatever it takes to attain that equivalency.

On the topic of Fox news, I’ve tried to watch before, just ironically. You think, this will be so stupid it’s funny. But it’s not, it’s just straight up brain cancer. I would consider losing this channel like a new lease on life!

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And watching MSNBC is like having your head kicked in by a blindered donkey: equally lethal, more efficient.

I think this completes our trip through the major cable sources of TDS, hope you kept your gas mask on.

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Wasn’t St. Nick white?

My cable in Toayuan actually has the American football games. Watched the college playoffs last weekend.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

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It’s hard for me to watch CNN for a long time as well. But more because it can turn frivolous. FOX is more, here’s someone who’s going to espouse their worldviews (often including incorrect information), we will sit here and ‘interview’ them without really challenging them.

MSNBC I can watch longer, they’re not propaganda poison like FOX or chasing ratings as hard as CNN. They’re rooted in facts like CNN but lave a lot less of the talking head roundtable stuff.

All 3 of those networks have people I dislike, even if they’re being accurate, I like my news delivered straight.

Way I see it is:

Fox helps accelerate early onset dementia
CNN makes me nauseous trying to make news digestible
MSNBC is the least offending.

But wouldn’t want to watch that much news on TV to begin with anyway. If I woke up and MSNBC was gone, I wouldn’t care. Easy enough to get news bits via youtube or articles online.

I think it’s really not healthy to watch a lot of any news channel, they will just make you obsessed and paranoid about the universe.

Yes yes, it’s all coming into focus now … :laughing:

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No more Fox News? Celebrate that you have been freed from that propaganda site and are no longer being lied to.

I mean, if one wants to argue about it, they could do that.

Or lazy one-liners left to die are fine too.

FOX conflates fact and opinion to muddy waters about objective truth. The other networks distinguish between fact and opinion regardless of any given slant, hard as they may be to digest regularly, for various reasons.

Equivalentists in this area are always good for a laugh. I’d argue that high-bar you’re so desperately trying to vault is actually solid circumstantial evidence of prolonged exposure to a single news network. :wink:

Hey, some Americans actually like the USA. No FOX = anti-American bias shot through all content. :man_shrugging:

At least FOX acknowledges editorial bias with it’s nudge-nudge-wink-wink “fair and balanced” motto. Would the left find an equivalent nod to human foible, its audience might grow into something more than aging hippies and their basement-dwelling grandchildren.


Try keeping a pillow on top of your left shin, should help ward off bruises when your knee jerks like that.

God typing on a phone is exhausting.