No wrinkle clothes! I don't want to iron please help :(

Problem and solution right there!


Uniqlo has what you are looking for

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Plastic-y clothes both good brands and cheap brands. Better brands will have trendy names describing their advantages but they all kind of do the same thing. Seems like girls clothes have more options in different styles.

No one store in Taiwan. Can meander through department stores like Sogo, not a huge variety but might find the ones you like. Check night markets.

Can try using a dryer then fold as soon as they come out of dryer.

I’ve recently discovered the usefulness of plastic-y clothes and always keep my eyes open when out and about. Some of my favorite clothes now are plastic blends or full plastic, both nice clothes and play clothes. They are great especially when needing to wear more than once, or traveling, and seem not to smell as quickly.

Wait you iron polo shirts? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If this is needed, I think there is problem with your washing technique. Don’t stuff the washing machine full (I doubt you would do that, but it needs to be said). Don’t stuff them into a drier either. Lay flat to dry, flip them over after half a day, and viola you are ready to go.



No quite clear which is which though. :upside_down_face:


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I would like to say that I tried UNIQULO and I was disappointed by the lack of style there. Also their wrinkle free clothes are just few.

I enjoyed a lot G2000! Great shop for this kind of things and LULULEMON.

Do you have any other suggestions similar to G2000 with many wrinkle free clothes? I’m renewing my wardrobe!

Have you considered finding a good drycleaner? Back in the days when I still wore suits and shirts, my drycleaners would pick them up once a week and return them clean and ironed. Just a few $$ per week saves you a lot of work. Every shirt is wrinkle-free if someone else irons it for you.

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this is what i do. 100% wool slacks don’t need to be cleaned every time you wear them if they’re hung and aired properly in between; 100% cotton shirts i can only get 1 or 2 wears (depending on the temperature mostly) and then off to the cleaners.

that’s just work clothes, weekend wardrobe can be wrinkled for style :man_shrugging:

Here’s my secret…

Wake up early, turn off your AC, and get dressed. It’s so hot and humid that all the wrinkles will disappear in a few hours.

Or you could buy new clothes. But I’m way to cheap to do that.

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You mean I’ve been doing it the right way this whole time? Goddamn.

I put them in the dryer overnight cause I’m lazy. Lmao.


I used to do that when I had a drier. I don’t remember much wrinkle problems so I guess it’s alright if you leave T shirts over night. Some other fabrics do wrinkle though.

If you want something off the rack and want a step up from Uniqulo, Brooks Brothers has really nice wrinkle free shirts. Taipei 101 location is stocked of a lot of colors and sizes though, I believe, they are in Sogo as well - not the cheapest but near impossible to wear out.

If they are still around, enjoy their wares while you can.


Usually non wrinkle means hot. as for Ironing well , I have almost forgotten the lost art. Hanging them up in.a typhoon helps :wink:


I’ll try brooks brothers. There are few shops nearby where I live thanks!

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NET has a pretty good selection of non-cotton quick dry material type gym and t-shirts, and polo.

SOme of the solid colors are three shirts for $500.

Large store with stock at Warner Village and Zhongxiao.

NET 忠孝旗艦店

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