Not making long term plans here that won’t survive the Red Dawn

North Atlantic.
Tell that to them. They are expanding.

Everyone always thinks the world is about to end. It’s always something… overpopulation, nuclear war, nuclear power plants, Republicans, Democrats, the Supreme Court, climate change, killer bees, Zika, Covid, Chinese invasions, North Korea.

Something is always about to end the world. But for some reason, the world never ends.

Could it be that we are weak, fear-driven creatures without a good grip on reality or the ability to rationally evaluate threats?

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How many threads are there on here about China invading? A dozen at least. Why is this topic constantly being rewritten? Feels like Groundhog Day.

  • They are not going to invade.
  • Taiwan isn’t even remotely in the same situation as HK.
  • China would not carpet bomb Taiwan. Too many financial assets here.

Blah blah blah

This “all of us are leaving” is simply not true. Many of have put down roots here and have very little to no other options other than to stay.


I will fight, fight for the first position in line to get the first airplane out of here :slight_smile:
Not that I’m afraid, mostly because all the battle I had to be able to get a credit card here years ago :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not so sure about that. Invading a country is one thing, shooting down passenger jets full of citizens of other countries, powerful ones, will not promote disengagement. China will need a full Navy, Airforce and Army to go to war at any consequential level. From what I read, they aren’t there.

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China can’t go head-to-head with the US. So if it wants to take Taiwan, it needs to use a strategy that minimizes the risk of a head-to-head battle for effective control of the island.

Speed is the name of the game. China has to make big gains before the US can mobilize a defensive response.

The only conceivable strategy that allows for a successful Chinese takeover begins with a blitzkreig-like saturation attack. A saturation attack won’t target civilian airliners, it will target critical military, civilian and dual-use infrastructure, including airports, radar stations, etc.

In/after a saturation attack, there aren’t going to be commerical flights. And that would be the case even if we weren’t in the midst of a pandemic that has cut the number of commercial flights drastically.


Know how to pilot a takeoff without a runway?

This makes sense but the problem is that how would you know for sure that there are no military targets nearby? I’d have to imagine that there are lots of hidden military assets in in them thar hills.

Are you suggesting that if, a big IF, if China can quickly subdue Taiwan that the US will just go, ahhhh, you’re quick. OK, it’s yours, and then leave? That seems naïve.


You’re literally the only person here talking about the world ending. The rest of us are talking about a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Do keep up.


No, but a successful saturation attack that paved the way for China to establish control of Taiwan before the US could prevent it would fundamentally change the options the US has for a response. And it would mean a world of difference for those of us who are here. Even though the US could turn China’s eastern seaboard into a parking lot if it wanted to, living in Taiwan as the Americans fight to kick the Chinese out is not going to be fun.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the US is upping weapons sales to Taiwan. It’s not selling Taiwan weapons in the belief that Taiwan could emerge victorious in a protracted battle with China. The weapons sales are about giving Taiwan the means to a) retaliate against China with enough force that China would think twice before attacking in the first place and b) keep China out long enough for the US and its allies to come to the rescue.

And as for your “OK, it’s yours, and then leave” part: the US isn’t here. That’s part of the issue. If the US was here, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Where are you getting this from? Or are you simply applying your expertise? Bombing the hell out of Taiwan is easy. Occupying it is another, far more complicated task. The US wouldn’t have to kick the Chinese OFF the island, bc they wouldn’t be ON the island.
That Navy force comes from Japan, a day or three away
depending on where the battle group is, that is. The battle group being the USS Gipper.

And should you care to ask, I’m reading this now…which is my most recent source on the topic.

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I just think they’re selling them weapons so they can give an excuse as to why they don’t come to Taiwan’s defence.

“See! We gave them all the fighter jets they asked for! Not our problem!”

Caves would be the best safe option if hiding is absolutely necessary during an invasion.

Sure because the brittle mountains of Taiwan never shake to pieces during earthquakes and never wash away during typhoons.

You can do that. If I’m here, maybe hanging out in the TSMC parking lot is the safest place. The goose and the golden eggs are there.


This might be better. I also own one.


China doesn’t have to execute a full invasion and occupation of Taiwan. It has a bunch of other options that would really mess up life if you’re stuck here.

Second, you seem to be assuming that just because invading Taiwan is a “far more complicated task”, it’s outside the realm of possibility.

Finally, don’t dismiss the notion that Chinese agents are almost certainly already here.

If China decides to attack Taiwan, do you think they’re going to totally ignore Okinawa and Guam in their plans? The PLA might be inexperienced but they’re not that stupid.

I’d fully expect the 7th Fleet to hand China its ass in a fight but if you’re living in Taiwan, what happens between the time China attacks and the time China gets beat down matters a great deal to your life.

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Enough to do what exactly? Sway public opinion to give up?

And the US nuclear subs in the area will have something to say about any long range action.

Again…where are you getting your information from? Because you admit that the US Navy would beat the shit out of China’s, and that occupying Taiwan is incredibly difficult.

Or are you admitting this and saying it would suck to BE in Taiwan when this happens, which is obvious? I’d say it would suck more, in the long run to live in coastal China if any of the above were to occur. And we haven’t even spoken about Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam or the PI’s responses to such overt aggression.

FYI for all who think the US would airlift you back to the States. They won’t. Likely dump you in Japan or the nearest place they deem “safe”. Then you are on your own. Had a friend working in Indonesia when the situation went south. He was flown to Singapore…government hand dusting ensued.

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Isn’t that kind of complaining to the firemen who rescued you from a burning building that they didn’t grab your coffee on the way out? :laughing: