Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold



You might be interested in Nature article on using salt to deactivate virus on mask fibers.
Not sure how DIY application will work.

Universal and reusable virus deactivation system for respiratory protection


Aerosolized pathogens are a leading cause of respiratory infection and transmission. Currently used protective measures pose potential risk of primary/secondary infection and transmission. Here, we report the development of a universal, reusable virus deactivation system by functionalization of the main fibrous filtration unit of surgical mask with sodium chloride salt. The salt coating on the fiber surface dissolves upon exposure to virus aerosols and recrystallizes during drying, destroying the pathogens. When tested with tightly sealed sides, salt-coated filters showed remarkably higher filtration efficiency than conventional mask filtration layer, and 100% survival rate was observed in mice infected with virus penetrated through salt-coated filters. Viruses captured on salt-coated filters exhibited rapid infectivity loss compared to gradual decrease on bare filters.


Oh NO.

Looks like I’m taking my ass to Watson’s after work.

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This shit is idiotic. Basically you can create a run on any household item just by starting a rumor there’s a shortage of it due to the virus. I tell you KY jelly will be next.


Slather it all over your body for a virus-proof barrier!


I like my masks pickled as well.

damn, all this time I thought only a condom could block out the HIV virus.

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Just please don’t do this…

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Bad news from the cruise ship in Japan: numbers have basically doubled since yesterday.

An additional 66 cases of the new coronavirus have been confirmed on a cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama, Japan, raising the total number to 136, the ship’s captain told passengers on Monday.


A bit of humour to lighten the mood a bit.

Read the descriptions…


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cruises and coronoavirus

I think that’s not unexpected. It’s pretty obvious those cruise ships are Petri dishes for infection.

How are they getting food and medical treatment on the ship?

I read the ships crew (medical staff) are well equipped to handle general medical needs.

They are also bringing supplies to them via boat.

Where are they eating? People bring food to their rooms?

Yes. People dressed like a bomb squad bring them food and supplies.

I wonder about the air they are breathing, though. Isn’t it the same system for the whole ship?
I mean, wouldn’t the same air from a cabin with sick people be shared with healthy ones via ventilation system?


No part of that statement is factual, regardless of how many times China’s disinformation army posts it on Twitter.

So heroic. No evidence to support the ‘theory’ that this is coming out of China or happening in the country at a higher rate than in, literally, any other country on the planet.

Sort of the opposite. It was a public health success. Odd strains of virus popped up in two different places a few days apart but info was shared rapidly enough that people could get on top of it and get preventative measures somewhat in place.


Truly we have descended into chaos…


Here is something good. Link not embedding properly, though.

“ Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro”