Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

Or we keep everything under control and things are fine.

The China way is to sweep everything and everybody under the rug. If it gets better, it will be in a month or so, when unfortunately people have died out. Then the virus will go dormant.

In other news, a great investment opportunity: items that identify travelers as Taiwanese. Say it loud, said it clear, we come from Taiwan -not China. If anything, this virus is pushing Taiwanese identity to the forefront.


With the big Republic of China flag though. And Taiwan in simplified too for good measure?

I know I shouldn’t say that. @Icon up your game please! :grin:


Does not seem to be petering out in China. Not sure where you got that impression. Taiwan is fine though and it pisses me off a bit that school has been delayed 2 weeks. Better to overreact than underreact though.


1 minute video report

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Quite a number of cities and communities in China have now started shutting their doors to “outsiders” living there. Renters are getting turfed out with no warning, only home owners are being allowed in. Thousands of people out on the streets trying to get back to their home town when transport is seriously restricted. Another mass movement of people is not exactly wise at this point!

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What’s the story with going to the Philippines now ?


They’re being huge dicks.

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Maybe we all have it and it just needs to be activated…kinda like in TWD.

The woman’s diagnosis was confirmed after her death and she had no obvious link to China’s Hubei province, Japanese media reported.

From here:
BBC News - Coronavirus: Sharp increase in deaths and cases in Hubei

I need to go for work …Sigh more problems.

what a total failure of a human.

Travel through a third country back and forth and hope they don’t check your stamped pages. :man_shrugging: But if your company is Taiwanese, they should understand.

You mean, lets all get involved in politics and instead to print Taiwan flag we print USA fighter jets. Taiwan being always Taiwan.

There was a video that Twitter took down of a woman ordered to kill her own dog - which was bludgeoned to death with a pole… There is footage of her leading it out. Looked like a nice well mannered Labrador.

It’s in Japanese.



Ehem it is meant for Japanese environment.

And we need something they would recognize.


I known and understand the problems around one country two systems and Taiwanese identity, but sometimes the impression is: Taiwan is like a Chihuahua, barks for anything and in any opportunity.

17 posts were split to a new topic: Do Chihuahuas kill?

My dears, you do know that the chihuahua bites more people every year and kills more than any other dog, right? Choose another kind of doggie.

In Spanish we say: el que no llora, no mama. Taiwan is ignored, set aside, everyone especially China likes to pretend it does not exist.

Having its own identity out there after so many centuries of being subjugated is awesome. And in this case, life saving. It is not only a matter of getting service, not being kicked out of a store. Without a voice or ears, without access to info, Taian is sitting duck. Being piled along with the mess in China is detrimental to our economy, especially when efforts here have worked in keeping the virus at bay.