Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

LOL at italy blocking travel from Taiwan when they have almost 2x more cases. Taiwan should block travel from Italy.


It is so ludicrous, so insane and nonsensical. I mean, the bureaucrats that were on the ship were told just to go back to work. No quarantine. No tests.

Told ya: forcing people to go to work sick will kill everyone.


The 東山新聞 is showing how schools will measure temperature once classes start. They will use ‘gun thermometers’ and also thermometers that measure temperature from the ears. Even on the demonstration for the tv the school staff didn’t change the plastic ear cover of the thermometer :man_facepalming:


It would be funny if it was not tragic


During SARS, they used to give us personal plastic covers to each person, which would be used for mandatory temperature checks. If they try doing that with kids…ain’t gonna fly.

The chabuduo culture is too insidious. I really hope they just give up using the ear thermometers and stick to the ‘gun’ ones only, because one way or another they will not change the plastic cover thing even if each kid bring their own. It is going to be a mess.

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I wouldn’t believe any data coming from China with so many outliers. It is in China’s interest to muddle the waters.

I wonder what the Japanese society thinks of these people being freed to go anywhere

Kids will lose them/contaminate them. And anyways temperature is not a great warning for this.

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Talking about Middle East, there were 9 infected people found out a group of 77 church goers who went to Israel. Either they brought it…Or took it with them.


Someone sent me this:

company had outsourced to china for production
china ports shut down, they can’t get supply
orders back up, they have no sales
it lasts for longer than 3 months
so they have to report quarterly earnings with drastically reduced sales
once they announce loss, the price of their stock goes down
that triggers the automated trading routines to short
that also triggers their creditors to require more collateral for their daily debt.
they can’t raise it, because they were using their stock as collateral
and they don’t have cash because they lost all of their quarterly sales
they crash
multiply by 100x companies
credit markets freeze
fed can’t do anything because they’re already pumping in cash
chain reaction of companies crashing as a result of frozen credit markets
atm’s stop working
grocery stores empty
world goes boom


I’ve lost track of how many clinics I’ve gone to where they didn’t disinfect/use a disposable plastic cover thing on an ear thermometer.

There are times where I would appreciate less plastic waste here (every food item ever) and times where I would really appreciate significantly more plastic waste (anything medical related).

Actually, this goes back to one of the first things I posted on this thread, which is the suibian attitude about disease and antibiotics. “Just take antibiotics for this would-be preventable thing if I just washed my hands and you’ll be fine!” Why bother preventing infection by using 175 year old sanitation practices to prevent the need for antibiotics in the first place?

If anyone tries to stick an ear thermometer in my ear without a plastic cover on it on Monday, they’re gunna have a very nice knuckle sandwich for breakfast.


Wtf is up with Iran?
Is it a big tourist destination for the Chinese?
Feels like there’s a big disconnect as to why just that country in ME has become a bus stop for the virus.

Until here it all makes sense. :+1:

Now this is just the apocalyptic side of whoever sent you the message speaking :smoker: :no_good_man:

Unless it was @Icon. Then I would already move to a bunker and start stocking… :runaway:

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The mayor of a district in Iran’s capital Tehran has tested positive for coronavirus, state TV reported Saturday.

Uhhh. what.

Sorry but if mayors are coming down with this thing im gonna take a wild guess and say its all over iran at this point

But how? I can’t imagine hordes of Chinese people traveling to Iran. No LV shops there. Chinese oil/construction workers? Some pre New Silk Road preparation workers?

Well, I had warned you all like 200 posts ago but Heck, no one listens. US economy is fried. Not only is most manufacture abroad, the biggest issue is that the raw materials come from China. That’s hitting medical, agricultural, textile, construction, etc. locally. And what little is left abroad, is sent for higher profit to China.

And China shipping is also fried.

A funny example from Taiwan is BaolytaB. It is out of production. Why? Well, main ingredients are alcohol and Chinese medicine, currently in high demand due to coronavirus.

Oh and ATMs will stop working because the parts are made in China much sooner than expected.

Please don’t sugarcoat it! I’m tired of hearts, flowers and rainbows.

Tell us the straight truth now!


I disagree.

The US and the world will switch up their business operations model and develop more robust supply chains. Don’t underestimate businesses ability to adapt and adapt quickly when its sink or swim.

Look at Toyota, their supply chain got screwed up from the earthquake in japan in 2011. They made significant changes with supply chain risk management. Last I check, they’re one of the few automakers that hasn’t had any major supply chain issues. Sales of course will be impacted.

