Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

Another one down.

BBC News - New China virus: Fourth person dies as human-to-human transfer confirmed

To be fair, this guy was 89 years old.

But he’s still dead.

Uh…yeah? But old folks are more likely to succumb to infections like the flu, anyway.

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To put this into perspective…
According to the World Health Organization, mosquito bites result in the deaths of more than 1 million people every year.


… die anyways?

Wife is always around Chinese visitors and going to Hong Kong later this week. Hopefully it isn’t widespread there yet.

Yes. I’m still more concerned about dengue fever. Not to mention non-germ related threats, like crazy drivers, earthquakes and rampant pollution. But it’s natural to be freaked out about unknowns, and this is a scary and fast spreading unknown that is giving people flashbacks to SARS.

If anything, this will further fuel anti-Chinese sentiment in HK.


I think I found the source of your problem. : D


There’s this one place though that does a good malaysian curry…


This stupid carrier of this disease didn’t want to go to the hospital, but the tour group leader insisted. He or she is an unsung hero, imo.

At about 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning (Jan. 21), a Chinese national was admitted to the emergency room of Mennonite Christian Hospital after exhibiting some symptoms of a mysterious new virus named 2019-novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). While taking part in a group tour of Hualien, Taiwan, the woman started coming down with an illness, and although she believed she could treat it herself, the group’s leader opted to have her seek medical treatment as a precaution.

Mennonite Christian Hospital said that a 39-year-old woman from Wuhan, who was part of a group of 17 Chinese tourists, had been admitted to the ER this morning. After arriving in Taiwan on Jan. 16 and visiting Hualien on Monday (Jan. 20), the woman suddenly developed a fever and although the fever subsided somewhat after she took some medicine, the tour’s leader decided to send her a nearby hospital.


Should we say more?


Nope. That says it all. :disappointed:

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Not for the humans but for the virus it’s perfect.

Oh, man. I’m heading to Hualien tomorrow. I will definitely steer clear of all tourist sites, especially those frequented by tourists from China. Luckily, that’s not all that hard to do because I don’t like to go to most of those places.

Doesn’t @IbisWtf live there?

Press F to pay respects.


I’m in Yilan, not that deep-blue Kmt-Xithole known as Hualien!


No wonder Chinese SARS is so attracted to that city then.

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They should stop all movement in China!