Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

“The Boy Who Cried, WOLF!” doesn’t apply to highly contagious diseases. If it’s spreading fast or easily, let us know, yesterday.

Actually, recommended course duration for antibiotic use has fallen from 7-14 days, to anywhere from 3-5 days now (except difficult access location of diseases, like inner ear, sinus, etc.)… this aims to reduce antibiotic resistance, and is a major rethink of 1970s advice

Now, taking them as a prophylactic* is still not recommended. Nor are the many cases of doctors giving them out will-nilly, just because it makes the patient shut up, doing anybody a good turn.

*not that kind of prophylactic: get your mind out of the gutter.


It’s now in Taiwan too. First case in Hsinchu.

Link to news article?

Never mind, I found it.

The gist of the article is this shit is serious.

Let’s just ban all Chinese visitors. That way I can enjoy the 101 food court all by myself over CNY.

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Love having something to panic about right before I try to have a relaxing vacation.

Why can’t China ever get their shit together for anything aside from forcibly reeducating minorities?


I want to know the details of the deaths. Age, previous health problems, did they catch it from food or not, etc.

What are the survivability rates for infants, children, teens, young adults, middle age and elderly? Etc.

That would mean China being transparent and honest about the situation. Don’t count on it.


The pine Martins and all those other cute little animals they keep in those stinking mainland.Chinese markets are happy.

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(A) The sample size probably isn’t big enough yet to determine that, but presumably the very young and very old are at most risk (and those who are pregnant)

(B) Even if the sample size is big enough, as @Andrew0409 already pointed out releasing that info would require China being transparent and honest. Which they aren’t. My only hope is that SARS has taught them how to handle this kind of epidemic at least marginally better. We’ll see. I don’t think it’ll be nearly as bad as SARS, but I have been wrong before.

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Hearing about an Aussie getting it according to Brisbane authorities.

This all right on the eve of a massive movement of people traveling for CNY . . couldn’t have picked a worse time


Isn’t Australia a province of China now anyways? China needs to keep their coodies to themselves. Gross.


So China has actually 13 billion people?

Most of Africa, part of Asia and Central/South America are Chinese provinces.

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More than 60 routes connect Wuhan with other countries, including direct flights to New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Paris and London, as well as over a hundred internal flights to other major Chinese cities. The central city of 11 million people is also a hub for the country’s high-speed rail network.

All this because they just had to consume bats and cat meat at their shit-ass market.


They have no choice at the moment, as they are also trying to hide their wide spread swine fever.

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