Obama's legacy will live on under Biden, Progress will continue, and the Trump presidency will be remembered as last failed grasp at denying progress

Of course shes responsible. Her disastrous decisions directly lead to this, responsibility is what is expected from a Secretary of State who personally pushed for the Lybian governments toppling before her Election and her strong support for the 2003 Invasion of Iraq along with her buddies Bush, McCain, Biden, Romney, Kerry… Its as dumb as saying Bush, John Bolton and Cheney are not responsible for selling the 2003 invasion of Iraq and all the untold human death, destruction and suffering that followed. The worst crimes of humanity.
Elected officials need to be held responsible for untold death and comes directly as a result of their decisions… In the same way I hold Trump accountable for his mess in handling Covid 19 and the BLM protests. Hillary supporters are the worst identity politics voters…In fact her entire campaign was run on being a Women and guilt tripping people to voting for her or indirectly be called out for not supporting Women in general…such BS

Hillary was also responsible for mass incarceration that America is famous for. She will only exacerbate the problem. If she had become president there will be no criminal justice reform.

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Except that making a statement that she’s responsible for everything that happened in Lybia would be equally dumb. That would ignore the context of the Arab spring. Was she also responsible for Tunisia and Egypt? No I don’t think so. The admin did everything in their power to avoid the mistake of Iraq and put more troops on the ground. Obama was focused on bringing troops home, Trump has surged troop levels and made no progress. All of which I bet was conveniently forgotten.

I’m sure you cared so much about Libya before the conflict too and are just being consistent. And I’m sure you hold Trump accountable for every conflict too like further nuclear proliferation from Russia and increased missile testing in N Korea. But no wars, just a nuclear war on the horizon. By that time you could blame it on a Democrat.

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At least your open minded and are not guilty of the same thing you accuse Hillary voters of.

Right… North Korea only started testing missles and being a threat during the Trump admin…They were so peaceful during the Bush Obama eras…

Key word “increased”

I’ll be fair and say Hillary does not shoulder 100% blame, she shoulders 30% blame for making a bad situation 10x worse and involving the US. In regards to Iraq I don’t support ANY candidate who voted for the 2003 invasion and Joe Biden was not only a voting supporter but a very VOCAL supporter of the war. But Joe and Hillary need to be held to account for this but it seems Democrats keep voting for the same old corrupt tools when there were a few better choices. Your issue is TDS once you get over TDS you can think see clearly as I said in my statements prior that I hold Trump accountable for Covid and BLM handling which you completely gloss over due to severe TDS… Btw do you have another account called Homiersimpsun?

As was 90% of the country being misled on false information. I’m glad you are so ideologically pure that no one could ever find something you did and blame you for it when we have the advantage of hindsight. That’s the same crap as trying to blame all mass incarceration on Hillary.
I’d suggest you look at decisions in the context of the time they were made otherwise you are perpetuating the cancel culture.

Ok you Iraq War apologist, trying to downplay that and compare it to a simple mistake that everyday people make is insane. Youre so out of touch with reality. Yea everyone makes mistakes like 20 year wars that lead to death and destruction for millions…hey simple mistake even if they make it twice Iraq + Lybia why dwell on the past give them another shot! After all they’re Democrats and better than Orangeman. The Democrat voter who supports Hillary Biden has sunk so low

I’ll hold them accountable for ensuring 8 million children had health insurance under the CHIP program and getting millions of adults covered under the ACA. That is all very consistent. Now compare and contrast that with no solution from Trump his whole term and no solution from the GOP in 10 years! The GOP has backed themselves into an ideological corner first with the Tea Party, Norquist and now Trump. They are incapable of governing and their only solution for every problem is a tax cut. So I’ll take my chances with folks who have shown they can get things done.

If that’s your approach then I am done talking to you. If you decide to mature a little and want to debate an argument on empirical evidence then great, but I will not entertain more tribalism and identity politics.

None of this Remotely compares to 20 year wars and the number of Children who died, lost their parents, where enslaved as sex toys or tortured by ISIS they’re in different ball parks. Then to make that mistake again with Lybia after Iraq…

It’s almost as if you’ve forgotten who justified, started and presided over the Iraq. Is it easier just to make up history and blame everything on the Democrats?

Hilary Clinton is old news, she needs to just go away. No one likes her.


Look at you constantly stuck in Identity Politics when Ive consistently blamed Republicans
Bush, Cheney, McCain, Mitt Romney, John Bolton as well as Democrats who were outspoken for War Biden, Kerry, and Clinton. You can’t seem to think or move beyond Identity politics and anything said goes in one ear out the other and you respond in kind. You’re living in some delusional TDS bubble where its always Republicans vs Democrats and Trump is Orangemanbad. I prefer to judge individuals by facts, actions and deeds regardless of who they are or what side of the aisle they are unlike you… Stop talking go back to Orangemanbad…Hillary good…

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It’s about the easiest way to trigger a conservative. You say you don’t like her but can’t seem to stop talking about her. Look how that’s derailed bluejasn. A common symptom of HDS is that they accuse others of having TDS. I’m sensing some deeper feelings here.


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Im not a conservative btw, there you go with identity politics and projecting again. I think that fact is too hard for you to process, it would destroy your reality. The fact is Im a California Liberal center. You act like all Liberals must love Hillary like you do which is why a lot of Liberals now hate Hillary supporting Liberals

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Sure tell me more about me. As I said I’m done with you. You have not brought any substance and clearly quite worked up over HRC.

We’ll you sure are nonchalant about Hillarys Wars, and her support for Bush’s invasion and War in Lybia very much the same way Hillary is about them… Those are the kinds of Sociopaths you like

Obama’s legacy is a flamewar on Forumosa.

That, plus the deep state badly overplaying its hand and thus revealing its existence.

Everything else Ozymandias did: half of it undid itself, and Trump dismantled the other half.

Obamas Legacy beginning with Nobel Chief regrets giving Obama Peace Prize.

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