Objectivity and bias in media

Aeration and the addition of life to a pond generally tends to remedy the scum and froth.

When it started cooperating with government agencies to censor content. This was before Musk, of course.

but when?

Likely more than a decade.

They push back against the prog left? Must be the fascist far right. :grimacing: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :crazy_face: :runaway: :face_vomiting:

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The irony is last year it was the opposite narrative. extremists without common sense are hillarious. This is why I am astounded presidents use something like twitter. It should be embarrassing.


Well, social media has become the main, or even sole source of news and communications for many. Most likely the reason why so many politicians and other influential figures are down with it.

That’s what’s astonishing. I used to think official type things shouldnt be done through such cluster fucks of non binding nonsense :woozy_face:

no problem people shooting the shit. but keep the important stuff to official channels that are liable for their claims.

I realize that’s essentially like committing witchcraft these days

You’ve perfectly described today’s mainstream media outlets. :+1:

I think media themselves perfectly describe it through their content :sweat:

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Sounds whiny. “Why don’t you CARE about the CRISIS!! we created??”

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Usually, what people argue fervently over is not information, but interpretations and judgments as to which interpretations to act on. What is being labeled and attacked as “misinformation” is not a matter of true or false information, but of true or false knowledge. The projects and policies now afoot styled “anti-misinformation” and “anti-disinformation” are dishonest, as it should be obvious to all that those projects and policies would, if advanced honestly, be called “anti-falsehood” or “anti-falseness” or “anti-foolishness” or “anti-untruth” campaigns. But to prosecute an “anti-falsehood” campaign would make obvious the true nature of what is afoot: The persecution and silencing of Wrongthink. In misrepresenting matters of interpretation and judgment as one of “misinformation,” they misrepresent the nature of their projects and dodge the responsibility to account for how they judge among vying interpretations.

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss Max Blumenthal’s attempt to question MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow about her years of Russiagate lies and his coverage of the arms contractor-sponsored, Democrat Party-oriented Truman Center’s DC conference.


Msnbc may be a more difficult drug than heroin to get off of for some.


Could say the same about Fox


Except for Gutfeld, as I am viewing now. But he could be compared to Colbert, but with higher view ratings. I just enjoy the brief moment of laughter in the midst of a suffering world.

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Blumenthal believes Taiwan is part of China and anyone who thinks otherwise is war-mongering. It’s great that he confronts liars, but his position on Taiwan is unforgivable.

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I only wish everyone would recognize this.


Easier to see further from the top of the horseshoe :wink:

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