Objectivity and bias in media

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NYT has devolved to racism apologetics…

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What could be wrong with a song about killing white people? To the NYT it’s fine of course. Only the “far right” would object.


I’m a fan, pretty sure I just shared this recently

But seriously, take it seriously not literally is a BS excuse no matter which side it comes from, unless it comes from me :smile:

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The removepaywall is a nice touch… :sweat_smile:


Maybe not the best place for this, but I think it fits. Nice piece on X looking at both sides here




But hypocrisy aside, there’s a point here:
Nobody is actually banning books

Nor are they banning the word “gay.” :roll_eyes:

Nor is silence violence. Nor does hate need welcoming.

Good share, I think the CRT thread is where we talked about Florida book bans, and Peak Woke got Dr. Seuss…

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Yup, you are the bad guys. You really are.


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Wow, if that is dark Brandon, look out! lol

“It’s not true.” And did or did not Joe Biden just fact check himself? I thought no one DID any business with the Chinese? Way to go HuffPo. Can’t even keep their lies straight. :runaway:

Did you actually read all that? I got turned off by first few paragraphs, skimmed down but it all seems a bit partisan for me. The Brooks column is paywalled, but I used to watch PBS Newshour daily and he was a sensible contributor

This bothered you?

Your question, “Are we the bad guys”? The answer is yes. You are the bad guys. You have systematically dehumanized half the country because they dared to want to be represented by someone you don’t like. You have gone along with a warped distortion of who Donald Trump actually is, and you have perpetuated that lie to your own detriment.

That’s only one of the first few paragraphs, but specifically

“a warped distortion of who Donald Trump actually is” seemed not worth reading. Can she read his mind? Seems pretty obvious to me that he is a grifter who doesn’t pay his bills and sqeaked into the white house because he played a successful businessman on TV and talked a lit of shit

If the author can’t see that, for example, I’m not going to keep reading.

To clarify, the time I was almost daily watching Brooks on PBS was during the Trump years, so I have more of an opinion about his opinion, and I can give two $%#&s about substack lady.

It is long, did you read it all? I might go read his piece if I need to have an opinion here…

Yeah but not like I took notes. The media is largely to blame to the anti Trump vitriol. I believe that, good writing or poor, and I’d that seems biased, well, imagine that.

Maybe the overly vitriolic, ok. Regular consumers of certain outlets wouldn’t have been hard to persuade anyways

Much like regular consumers of right wing media didn’t need much convincing the orange man good and brandon man bad

The NYT didn’t make president pussy grabber open a fake university as a cash grab, nor have they prevented him from paying his bills

A certain amount of anti Trump is perfectly reasonable, as are some complaints against Joe Biden

Oh for sure. I do not think I’m out of line for suggesting that’s it’s been a bit much though. Lol

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Maybe it has, i don’t watch TV news (except PBS newshour for a few years, they have great access for international politics interviews), stopped reading the NYT shortly after the paywall went up and they became too woke for black coffee