Objectivity and bias in media


Hey I was just watching that, I like watching the Cuomo brothers, that clip was golden.

May have worked as a vaudeville act.

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Yeah, definitely did not like that. For a while it was the Chris’n’Andy Show on CNN. Hardly objective coverage, with Chris fawning over the Guv.

Of course, Chris said he would abstain from commenting on Andrew on the sex scandal thing because of the obvious conflict of interest.

Yet, somehow, there was no conflict of interest when the brothers were yucking it up while elderly patients were dropping like flies in New York nursing homes.


That clip demonstrates an obvious conflict of interest. Was that before or after Chris lied about being in his basement with the covid?

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Yeah, the Mutt & Jeff show is classic CNN, up there with the “reporting” on Lady Gaga’s dogs. But to be in the Fox News league, let me know when CNN drops a quarter of a million on AOC’s re-election campaign and lets CNN employees headline DNC rallies.

You gotta be kidding me.

I don’t think that CNN and other establishment media will choose to decrease their influence to that of Fox News, but hopefully more and more people are having their eyes opened regarding the bias of all main stream media, including Fox.

Some Blue Anon people on Forumosa it seems.

Seems to be there.

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Because every one of the grandiose failures of the Trump/Q era needs its own liberal equivalent for symmetrys sake?

Donna do you wanna give me all the debates questions before the debate and promise to do it again?

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There’s no symmetry in stupidity and ignorance.

Their code is not hard
Not like cracking enigma
Or DaVinci Code :sweat_smile:

A former neo-Nazi told CNN that Fox News radicalizes people by saying the same things he used to say.

He continued: “We have to know that a lot of our fellow Americans, fellow children of God, have been radicalized by a network of news that, as a former radical, I can tell you, from watching Fox News all day, I can show you where they’re saying radical stuff that I used to say.”

“Where I would say ‘Jews,’ they say ‘big media,’” Meeink said. “They swapped out a couple of words here and there, but it’s still just radicalization. So that’s where we have to look. It’s Fox News.”

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Yeah that’s the point. Nothing is more stupid or ignorant than Q Anon and that basura administration they break the law for. No comparison-- no matter how hard people try to invent them

We agree!:+1:

No, we do not agree. Really, not at all. You seem not to recognize where you yourself sit in that equation from my perspective. :laughing:

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In fairness, on Forumosa it is unbalanced because we have no open QAnoners

That’s ok, because from an American perspective anyone that went down the QAnon road sits at the kids table anyways. So ask yourself how much stock I might put into that perspective.

We agree Q Anon are Stupid, and Ignorant.

Who doesn’t?

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QAnoners (most of whom will be Americans, BTW). When you’re sitting on the inside you don’t know it. Similarly -or, symmetrically- the woke left are in my perspective equally stupid and ignorant but can’t be shown how much they are sitting on the other side of the same table no matter how hard I try…

Please, don’t feel the need to respond. This was to save @jdsmith the trouble as much as anything else :wink: