Office Hours? Self-improvement?

Twisted your tongue while eating.

Learn to play piano with an imaginary keyboard on desktop.

Is this another euphemism for masturbation? :thinking:


Build a Memory Palace.

They have very cool compact keyboards that extend, so you feel like playing a real piano.

Got one.

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A keyboard with five keys? Even my grandchildren would get bored with that!

It gets bigger/longer. He’s a grower, not a shower.

Ya 48 keys of fun.

hand roll piano

I’m learning a lot of new ways to say wank in this thread

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I wonder why forumosa doesn’t display the whole picture… have to click on the pic to see the whole picture.

Naw I’ve learned that skill pretty well by now.

@TimesThree You should care more about what you post online. e.g. your reddit history.
It is not about anything specific, I’m just saying it can be easy this days to link a person to a online pseudonym. Anything you said online can be used to put you through the mud by some students who dislike you.

And I have no idea what you’re talking about. You see something objectionable there? Or is it just because I’m complaining about office hours? My coworkers pretty much know what my situation is. Students? I’m really not about to live with that kind of paranoia.