Oh, Canada!

Ralph Northam comes to mind, a little noise and then nothing. “Different era” and “from his youth, no need to drag up the past” are usual things people say.

Justin’s is from 2001 when he was 29, not sure how recent and how old the person needs to be before “different era” and “from his youth” sound hollow, but pretty sure Justin passed that point. Silly sods, seems like the rich and entitled circles never got the memo’s from the 60’s and 70’s where it was common knowledge blackface was offensive.

Some Canadians are really hard workers, working on roofs when it’s -30 outside. Crazy. At some point it’s even dangerous.


Life imitates art:

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That’s pretty racist, man

Yeah, if I make the exact same joke I get a fucking 10 minute Church Lady scolding PM from a fuckin Badge telling me I’ll get tossed in The fucking Shoe if I make fun of another poster’s English.

Who the fuck did you blow???

Guess the elder Trudeau didn’t groom his eldest to pursue a political career!


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Didn’t mean to be at all : ) I say some because like everywhere there has to be some lazy people too, but I admire people who can work in the cold for years, even decades, worked with a guy who spent 20 years working on roofs. I can picture better countries to do this kind of job : )

He doesn’t even have to spin this. He need only admit to his true Cuban genetic coding.





That’s pretty homophobic, man.

I think it refers more to the many characters than their sexual persuasion . I’m not homophobic .jeez man , you are turning into Victor Meldrew :smirk:

Maybe he’s just showing his solidarity with the gays?

Ahh , maybe he is being super sarcastic and having a dig back at previous things ? . Could be ?

That’s pretty ageist, man.

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Didn’t his old man like to wear fancy uniforms too? :laughing:

Why are all the parties crap. I don’t know who to vote for. Maybe libertarians for lulz sake.

I think that this is a Worldwide problem

The smaller the government, the less it matters who runs it.