Oh, Canada!

I question WHO on the planet the Canadian governments serve nowadays!

the 1%ers, and not those rich 1%ers, either

The Canadian federal government grants Chinese mainlanders a ten year multi entry six month stay tourist visa. WTF is that?!?!?!?

They need a new source of revenue in case the oil sands thing doesn’t pan out.

Except most of the oil sands operations are owned by Chinese companies, so…

You can see what is on the horizon?
Same as Australia now!

Global planetary domination!

Without the rule of law and democracy there is absolutely no reverence for the apparatchiks of ZNH.

If you think climate change is the most serious threat on the planet now, think again!

Without human rights and freedoms, authoritarianism and totalitarianism are downright backward moving to the 19th century!!!

It is now the 21st, by the way.

If I want to go back in time to the 19th century, I will visit a history museum for insights at my convenience.

Wonder if he ever considered kindy in Taiwan?:joy::joy::joy:

Love the comments section-- https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/malcolm-trudeaus-yearbook-tells-a-bigger-story

I think Trudeau was probably one of those men who could never get enough of dressing up and wearing various costumes as a child. He was never able to grow out of it, hence his journey through the clothing o’the world as an adult. As a little boy Trudeau was probably the kind of kid who was obsessed with dressing up.

I suspect that what most people find so alarming about Trudeau is that he doesn’t seem to realize his inability to abandon this bit of childhood fun could reasonably be career-limiting for a nation’s leader.

I keep waiting for a picture of him in a Peter Pan costume to show up.

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Then Alice in Wonderland will be glossy eyed with amazement!

I leave any comments to you guys :confused:
Pro-beijing folks acting like thugs and ripping off posters and well-wishes from supporter of democracy for Hong Kong.
Why are you trampling on the freedoms of others when you’re in a democracy?

Captured in Aberdeen Centre Skytrain Station in Richmond.


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What did climate change have to do with that question?? Did his brain get a BSoD?

Everything is related to climate change, silly. :nerd_face:

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Why does this remind me of that Canadian dude a while back whose work here was to drag Trump in IP but who was >RETREAT!< out the room when triggered by people with the gall to actually think Trump /= racist because hey look, it says so right here in this article. Did you read what this person wrote here? Trump must be racist! etc. :grin:

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Some Bible thumpers have pretty weird Bibles…

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If their hearts are in China then they should move back and live there permanently!

They have absolutely no respect for the rule of law as their mentality is still in the 19th century of imperialism and dynastic rule.

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How’s the election thingy going? Is Canada going to gift us with 4 more years of current year news? God I hope so.

Justin “black face” Trudeau will do another 4 years. Minority government