Oh, Canada!

How incredibly disheartening for the far right with every passing election. Looks like your movement started and stopped with Trump and Brexit. It is fun to watch it fall apart though.

You can’t be serious. Haha


Four more years during which Canada will have the chance to lead the way in social justice! UK status: btfo


You’re all over the map bud.

Indeed I enjoy raining on neo-fascist parades.

What are you talking about? This is the Canada thread. Conservatives in Canada are basically liberals. It’s just that the left has driven the crazy bus right off the bridge so we must keep up the facade of right and left.

But “neo fascists” ??? What are you going on about ?

Is that why they were chanting “Lock Him Up” at the Scheer rallies? Don’t ignore the obvious.

The spread of neo fascists around the globe with Trump at the forefront is pretty hard to ignore.


“Conversation around “the great replacement” is steadily increasing, with the number of tweets mentioning the theory nearly tripling in four years from just over 120,000 in 2014 to just over 330,000 in 2018. English-speaking countries now account for 33 percent of related online discussions.”

Son what are you going on about ?

Don’t worry about it. Have you had your metamucil yet? We don’t want to spend the afternoon listening to you complain about your bowel movements, now do we? Perhaps you need a nap first.

I don’t know what he’s on about but I like his chutzpah :+1:


Nothing wrong with being conservative. I consider myself to be a centrist libertarian but even I would fall under “neo-nazi” according to modern liberals. Can’t wait for Canada to fall apart so it can start anew.


No no libertarians are cool. I just like roads and want the government to build them/fix them. Just keep out of all that abortion identity politics crap. That’s more your friends I know.

But seriously dude government still needs to pay for stuff.
It’s not that hard to see how other countries invest in infrastructure education etc. and do well.

With so much black/printed/fake money compliments of CCP Canada is continuing to be economically propped up in the near future.

If HUAWEI is 5G in Canada then we’re royally fucked!!!

Libertarians are just Republicans who want legal weed.

Singh cleared a low bar. At the start of the campaign there was talk of the NDP even losing official party status, a good part due to his perceived incompetence. He managed to come back in the debates and… only lost half his party’s seats, which was held to be a great victory.


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Considering he ain’t a white guy.

You know you’re triggered as fuck when you call people neo-fascist.