Olympics - Beijing 2022 political thread

This totally confused me. I am not planning to watch the games at all but when I saw that I really wondered…

Should I change that to kaobei the CCP, IOC, and KMT? Of course the KMT would support the genocide Olympics!

The Olympic Committee opening ceremony comments sound like Chinese propaganda and like he’s only speaking to the Chinese people, not to the world. It’s very different perspective than I remember from previous comments. Can almost imagine someone approving every single word.

He also tries to speak some Chinese. Is that common for opening ceremony speaker to use local language?

The performance is good but seems like a huge propaganda event where the performers are trained in a military camp or something and if they don’t smile and perform perfectly then back they will go.

Don’t know if it’s noticable in this picture but the people standing in the back look like they were told to smile and wouldn’t dare not smile.

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I think you are right.

In the video above (post #10, Olympics - Beijing 2022 political thread - #10 by kurupted), compare the pronunciation during Taiwan’s introduction at 22:44 with the pronunciation during Hong Kong’s introduction at at 23:18.

At 22:44, I hear “Zhonghua Taibei”. At 23:18, I hear “Zhongguo Xianggang”.

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I can’t seem to find a video online, but yes, during the Tokyo 2020 (2021) Olympics, I remember that Mr. Bach used a couple of prepared introductory coments in Japanese during his opening speech.

Whew! I was nervous for a moment that I was misremembering, because the official transcript (https://olympics.com/ioc/news/ioc-president-s-speech-tokyo-2020-opening-ceremony) does not include any Japanese phrases. But I finally managed to track down the audio of Mr. Bach’s opening speech here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjfV07TJf0A , and at 3:13:23 in that video, you can hear Mr. Bach’s strained language as he speaks one sentence in Japanese to request the emperor to open the Olympic games.

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What language is local language though? I mean where I come from the local language is English. So if people speak that language I should think oh propaganda?

Also the topic of the thread is genocide?

I’m guessing it’s not going so well? I honestly have not heard anyone care or talk about it here in the UK.

Is it common for the people there to weirdly speak the local language? Propaganda style. Not to mention engage in the genocide of ducks.

Rouen Pressed Duck is pretty grim in fairness

If no politics allowed. Then, by proxy, allow taiwan flags and disallow another country from banning another countrys flag from being displayed…ya know like the Olympics folks claim they want.

Im boycoting, wont give any clicks or views. The whole thing is quite disgusting. I feel sorry for the athletes that will be ashamed for attending such an atrocity.


Playing table tennis like the final months of the third Reich. The things they do to that ping pong ball sicken me to the core. I’ve spent hours vomiting in disgust at the ping pong ball genocide. Definitely not to be clicked on, and probably reserve a straw that you can suck the shame through. Just disgusting ping pong really.

I have an Armenian buddy here and he is like no yeah no problem, my family had to flee through the desert to escape murder but it’s all good talk about genocide as if it were ping pong, I don’t mind

This doesn’t belittle actual genocides at all.

Genocides that have not even been officially recognized as ping pong.

It’s actually the main concern of the Armenian consciousness.

So to sum up speaking a language isn’t genocide, genocide is genocide. And very unfortunately it has happened.

Saying that something that isn’t genocide is
genocide is perhaps irresponsible.

Oh no wait that is rational thought and pro china. I need to wipe the anti China foam off my face. or you know what let’s focus my facisim on Germany. Fricken Germans subhumans.

And then turn around please and look in the mirror.

And all of that basically boils down to don’t be like Hitler.

Find a better person to be like, pretty much anyone is better than Hitler

So who are we going for?

Looking ahead to October 2022, I’d settle for “not Xi Jinping.”

In the meantime, I too won’t be watching this spectacle that has been gifted to them by the venal members of the IOC.



May I suggest

Support the athletes.

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It’s definitely “Zhonghua Taibei” in the video, but apparently “Zhongguo Taibei” is being used by CCTV.

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You have your own thread for that! :rofl:


Genocide as defined by the UN:


I think you can make arguments for and against saying the treatment of the Uighurs by the Chinese authorities is genocide.

Before reading the UN definition, I thought genocide meant the attempt at complete annihilation of an ethnical group, but it says “in whole or in part.”

It’s very likely that Uighurs are killed, tortured, “re-educated” (which likely causes mental harm) etc. for probably nothing else than belonging to that ethnic group.

It is a fair question to ask whether the aim of this treatment is the “destruction of this group” or part of it. Does taking away part of their culture and religion qualify as “destruction”?

Now, how many of that ethnical group constitute a “part”? One? Half of them? Most of them?

While using the term genocide in this context stresses the severity of what is going on, there is the possibility that other genocides in the past are diminished by the comparison. For that reason I would avoid using it, unless the acts are equal to for instance what the Germans did to the Jews or what the Turks did to the Armenians.


Thank you Hannes for the serious post.

In fact since the UN statement on genocide was adopted, there has been a great deal of discussion of the topic of genocide. It’s even become an academic field, genocide studies.

Based on what I’ve read over the years, it’s unambiguous to me that the state actions in Xinjiang are genocide, in line with what other ethnosupremacist settler states have attempted (here I include states such as Canada).

What makes this case distinct is it is happening in real time in front of us—and the offending state is being rewarded, not censured, by the IOC. I will come out and say that history will not look kindly upon this moment.



And in the meantime, here is the meme I have been waiting for:



This surely counts as some kind of crime…

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It appears the quality of the catering didn’t come up in the recent Putin-Xi tete-a-tete.
