Parler; anyone joined it yet?

They’re all big talk. And they cry about being censored despite this being a free market issue. Looking around the Twittersphere, it seems most of the rightwing provocateurs are still around. It seems most people getting banned/purged are the truly nutty QAnon or Boogaloo ones like those salivating over a second civil war, or engaging in insane conspiracy theories about all their political opponents being Satanic child abusers.


They know how to tread the line, the one where they stop making money if they cross it.


yeah, the one about Jeffrey Epstein being murdered to keep him quiet. Yeah , i mean which idiot would believe that, or prince Andrew sticking his shling in under aged child sex slaves, or that Bill Clinton knew that Epstein was poking child prostitutes when he visited the island.
There used to be this conspiracy in England where some idiots believed that Lord Mountbatten was a pedophile protected by the police, and Jimmy Saville was a black witch raping and procuring kids for the rich, but that he was protected by the police and BBC. Oh my gosh who would believe such dribble. Amazing :rofl:
Now then, now then, now then

That’s a lot to unpack.
Annnnnd…seems not entirely proven.

But vengeance for broken clocks is a thing I suppose.

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Jimmy Saville agrees with you👌🏻

I finally have something to contribute here and it seems y’all are focused on pedophiles? nice

What is that proof of except you can take something horrible someone did (even though none of those cases have been proven in court afaik) and apply it to anyone? These people are also saying Supreme Court Justice John Roberts is one of these Satanic pedophiles… and Mitch McConnell is a cocaine trafficker, which is actually kind of hilarious, but still. Someone could start rumors that half the people who post here are part of Pizzagate, because in today’s post-truth world everything is on the table it seems. A line has to be drawn somewhere between truth and malicious rumor mongering, doesn’t it? Especially when people might take it upon themselves to hurt or kill the targets of said rumors.


That is a good answer.
If someone is prepared to start another thread on this I am willing to join in , but it will likely just start into a flame war. Nice answer though.


Cool, problem is that news is at least 36 hours old though. Also, it’s been posted here already.

You surprised? Some Forumosans are all about pizzagate/Epstein/Q/etc

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Perhaps I am a bit jaded, but convincing the same demographic that is filled to the brim with mask and vaccine (read: science) skeptics that another “invisible” phenomenon requires regulation and “suppression” of their “freedoms” is most likely a bridge too far.

How can one convince the average, ideologically and culturally sheltered citizen of rural America that we need contemporary policies tailor-made to protect citizens in this new, information-warfare era, when they have yet to bridge the comparatively small mental hurdle of realizing that the 2nd amendment was created during a time in history where it took ~20 seconds to reload a musket before it could be fired again (so perhaps it should be updated to address the implications of the quantum leap in technology since?)

Good luck with that. Populists will continue having a field day, as long as there is a continued supply of ignorant and closed-minded fossils that pridefully wear their ignorance to the changing state of the world as a badge of honor.

If a large segment of the US pop cannot see the need to update antiquated gun laws that, through their relative toothlessness have wreaked visible havoc on the cultural fabric of the country thus far (this segment instead falling victim to the fearmongering that any modification of gun laws is a slippery slope for the government “taking all their guns”), then I believe it is safe to predict this segment will also fall prey to a similar tactic of propaganda that suggests any common-sense fettering of their “unfettered right to free speech” (in response to an invisible, emerging threat they are largely incapable of comprehending) is just the first step to full-blown censorship.

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Is the outrage all it’s being made out to be, our just loud people on the internet? I know CA is liberal, but still plenty of Republicans there.

One of those companies was Twitter. On the forum, Trump supporters announced a plan to show their discontent by protesting in front of the San Francisco headquarters earlier today. The building was empty, with Twitter employees working from home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but there was still a heavy police presence to protect against mob violence. What happened instead was a fairly quiet event, with just a single pro-Trump protester in evidence — and two counter-protesters there to applaud Twitter’s decision to deplatform the outgoing president.

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How would they know where I live? Everything would be anonymous. That’s the point.

You’re not. A powerful and determined person will always find you.

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Not if you’re smart and know how to use the Internet.

Way smarter people than you have been caught after using various techniques. Doesn’t work. Even Tor was shown to be compromised.


So you think private banks will have the resources of the FBI/CIA? Even they can’t find everyone.

There are much better alternatives to TOR, BTW.

Regardless, why would a private bank making 5% for millions or billions of dollars in black market activities want to find anyone? It’s in everyone’s best interest to know as little as possible.

What exactly is @Wee being “caught” for doing?

You’re actually on ‘social’ media right here!


They can set-up their own servers and fiber.

Are you Cambodian? What’s your ‘thing’ with the Khmer Rouge?