Peak MAGA thread

“knuckledraggers” hmm, that’s quite a level of contempt you have there @mups . Not that I am saying it’s unique to you, I can see other left leaning commentators making equally if not more strongly worded expressions of contempt.

I’m just wondering if the limousine liberal types realize it’s the AA community and Hispanic community which are least vaccinated.

Which is not to suggest that Democrats in general are not more vaccinated than Republicans, I think it’s clear they are but this type of rhetoric is going to alienate a significant portion of their own base.

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For being anti-vaxx and literally wasting 10’s of thousands of vaccines as a result? Yes.
For inciting violence? Double yes.

Knuckledraggers is too nice, come to think of it.

If you want to defend MTG and politicians like her, nobody’s stopping you from making a case. Would be nice to see you drop an opinion sometime!

You should read my post again, I am pointing out that while Biden may belong to an out of touch limousine liberal elite crowd who thinks things won’t go sideways by alienating the unvaxxed, because he thinks they are mostly Republicans, he/they/you who characterize them in the most contemptible way they can muster will find there is a good chunk of their own supporters in there too.

Next week we can see the reaction to Deblasio’s health pass rule which goes into effect with the AA community which overall is only around 25% vaccinated, I don’t think they will take it well beig told they can’t enter businesses or use public transport basically reducing them to second class citizens.

But hey, you think this is a good path to go down, let’s see how it plays out.

Neither Biden nor DeBlasio are MAGA card holders. What’s your opinion on MTG?

Next week we can see the reaction to Deblasio’s health pass rule which goes into effect with the AA community which overall is only around 25% vaccinated, I don’t think they will take it well beig told they can’t enter businesses or use public transport basically reducing them to second class citizens.

I do? Quote please. :sweat_smile:

Not much, she holds virtually everyone in congress in contempt both Republican and Democrat so +1 on that. She is called a QAnon supporter non stop by the MSM, I don’t know her beliefs but anyone who took QAnon seriously rather than a bit of fun, -1. Boogy woman for the left much like AOC is for the right.

So to be clear when you called them “Knuckledraggers” you weren’t talking about the unvaccinated AA and Hispanics you were only talking about the unvaccinated right wing supporters.

Not sure the unvaccinated in the AA and Hispanic communities will make the same distinction as you do.

But hey, you might want to get some perspective on how they view the white limousine laughing at them calling them idiots and stupid fucks as they get their rights taken away one by one, Im sure they won’t come across as out of touch, vicious callous and unkind at all.

MAGA politicians, the topic of this thread.

How do you think you come across to readers of this forum, Mick, when you try so hard to assign opinions to people that they don’t hold?

I already asked you for a quote on the first one. Not only do you not quote, you add a second misrepresentation. Oh well, keep digging.

Thoughts on this specifically?

Knocking on peoples doors? What for? What’s the purpose of that? You don’t think people realize there is a virus? Everybody on the damn planet knows there is a virus going around.

Is this like the Jehovah’s Witnesses going door to door to try and convert people?

That’s what I figured. :peace_symbol:

Since when did a persons vaccinated status become anyone elses business other than their doctor? Now it seems every shop owner, bus driver and museum can demand that (in France anyway), plus it seems you’re fine with people going unsolicited to peoples houses to ask about it.

I think it makes sense to get a vaccine but why make a big thing about it? People have the choice, they know where to get it. Why are we starting down the road of calling them names and bringing in measures to punish them and remove them from society, much to people like yours glee I should add.

You had several chances to address the incitement of violence issue, sorry, better things to do.

The left is the one doing most of the incitement to violence, 6 months of riots from the same white limousine liberal types who turn up to protests to punch Nazi’s in the face except they are protesting a dude waving his dick in a young girls face then the next day are off to punch more Nazi’s in the face at a pro Israel event, the irony is lost on them I’m sure and you.

Unvaccinated is just a new group they have embraced to hate, but they have that part down to perfection.

Ultimately the mask vax issue will be a war on the poor. It always is.


Looks like twitter continues to take the same approach to MAGA world’s covid disinformation as TW’s government, treating it as a threat to public health safety.

My opinion: I agree! Though I wish they’d mention her incitement of violence as well, as reasoning. I assume they don’t because she can play semantic victim-creator games with it.

Twitter has suspended Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for one week after the first-term representative from Georgia falsely claimed COVID-19 vaccines were “failing” and ineffective at stopping the spread of the virus, violating the company’s rules on spreading COVID misinformation.

Senator Hawley (R- Kentucky) on the new infrastructure bill:

It’s full of pork-barrel spending. Like building highways in Canada. That’s in this bill. Researching salmon and their mating habits. That’s in this bill,” Hawley said. “It’s unbelievable what is in this piece of legislation. It is a far-left bill. It is full of pork-barrel spending and pork-barrel giveaways, and I just can’t support it.”

The “highways in Canada” to which Hawley refers to the construction and improvement of roadways connecting Alaska with our neighbor to the north. The “researching salmon” is in reference to the Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund, which aims to preserve and protect West Coast salmon and steelhead as part of the local ecosystem.

I’m sure that will help the MAGA candidate defeat Murkowski in Alaska. Not to mention with western commercial and sports fishermen.

“For every dollar a Kentuckian gives, they’re actually getting $2.61 back so that’s a really good return on their federal investment,” she said.

New York per capita contributions to federal government: $1, 172 (#3 in nation after Connecticut i.e. commuters from New York, and Massachusetts (Boston) ).
Kentucky per capita payments from federal government: $14, 193 (#2 in nation, after Virginia, because of the federal agencies around D.C.)

“It is pretty, the buildings are pretty,” he said. “The architecture uplifts. This is another third rail of American politics, you’re not allowed to note that our buildings are grotesque and dehumanizing. Why are they bad? Because they’re ugly, and ugly dehumanizes us.”

Ah, for the days when you could comment on the public street that some building was ugly, and not have Biden’s stormtroopers haul you away.

Actually, I’ve seen quite a few comments that some particular building or style is ugly- AFAIK nobody has been unpersonned for this. Unless Tucker is using the Sarah Palin version so popular on the right these days, where criticism equals censorship.

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Who’s saying this again? Is someone bragging about Kentucky being welfare recipients, or am I missing something?

Louis Gohmert ( R-Moron) explains solar power:

"Part of that green deal is the huge solar farm that they have out on the border of California and Nevada. Thousands of acres of concave mirrors that magnify the sun toward three towers – heat up the liquid in there and turn turbines.

“But they weren’t anticipating that there would be hundreds and thousands of what they would call ‘flamers’ because when the birds fly through – if they survived the windmills – then they hit that magnified sun, explode in flame, and down they go.

“Bird guts all over the mirror, so that takes some cleaning up. This is the green stuff that’s just out of control and is going to bring the nation down.” – Louie Gohmert, on OAN

Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Alsomoron)

“So while the news tries to tell us the hospitals are slam-packed with COVID, that’s just not the case.
“Everybody needs to get back down to common sense and remember that, you know, we’re human, we can’t live forever, we’re going to catch all kinds of diseases and illnesses and other viruses, and we get hurt sometimes.”
“Yes, the waiting rooms get full. But guess what? The waiting rooms are full of all kinds of things, not just COVID,” adding “we’re human, we can’t live forever”


Even Senator James Inhofe, an Oklahoman Republican who famously once threw a snowball on the Senate floor to claim the planet is not getting hotter, insisted last month that he never called climate change a “hoax”, only that the dire consequences have been overblown. (Mr. Inhofe is the author of a book called “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future”).

  • NYT

James Inhofe

James Inhofe has been saying dumb shit about climate change for decades now, it’s his MO, on another note, the sky is blue, water is wet, bears shit in the wood.

On the other hand that doesn’t make the AOC’s the intellectual heavy weights in the room with the whole spiel about the world coming to an end in 5 minutes time.

Both sides have heir lunatics.