Peak MAGA thread

Add Ray Roseberry to the Peak Maga Hall of Fame list. When storming the capitol fails, they resort to bombing it.

Haven’t posted for a long time; not through a a lack but an embarrassment of riches. I haven’t even got around to the many, many preachers who tell us that God has anointed Trump as the real President.
Anyway, here’s Congresman Madison Cawthorn on Monday, advising young Republicans to get married young and have lots of kids (on video).

Here’s Cngressman Cawthorn on Wednesday announcing his divorce after eight months of marriage.

Do you think he knew about his upcoming divorce two days ago?

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Looks like peak MAGA has left tired ol’ Trump behind

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I don’t get why the booers boo. It was their guy who GOT them the shot. They are angry about the packaging?

Trumpers are splitting. Eye Patch Guy is making waves as well, snapping at the fringe MAGA pols like Cawthorn and the pair of crazy ladies.

Trump thinks of it as an achievement, his opinion is that his administration brought something that saved many lives.

Some that don’t want to take are risking jobs, income and security to do so. I doubt they hate a person who doesn’t think mandates should be the norm, but they are in a situation where they are being made second class citizens and feel resentful overall that their liberties are being taken away, which is the reality of how the vaccine is being used.

In short people are booing the situation related to the vaccine, not Trump himself, they wouldn’t be there if they just wanted to boo Trump. As far as I can tell they couldn’t care a less who get’s a vaccine, so long as others don’t care who doesn’t.

Some would like him to speak out on behalf of those that don’t, more than just say what a wonderful vaccine he created.

Some people should know that Trump never channeled their thoughts. Just their emotions. lol

You think he channeled emotions rather than thought?

Think about that for a second, he pushed immigration as an issue, cerebrally we know a country needs a border, it’s the emotional side that sympathies with open borders.

He wanted America first policies, just logically, a leader of any country wants their country first, emotionally as a rich country you think how to help as many other countries as possible.

He wanted tough policing, that seems to be more logical than “defund the police” but defund the police comes from a more emotional angle.

I could go on, perhaps you could make your case more clear to me, I have an open mind.

No, they’re booing Trump for taking the vaccine. You’re overthinking this. A proportion of the people he attracted are rabidly anti-vax

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I suggest this. Change yer own damn mind. :grandpa:


They might be booing him for taking the vaccine, or specifically taking a booster.

I don’t disagree many on his side are anti this vax.

So people can agree to disagree on things, people see where Trump is. It’s ok, you shouldn’t expect everyone to agree with you on everything, if they do they are in some sort of cult.

I’m sure that’s very good, short of going to buy a copy of some book, would you care to give a TLDR version?

They’re not “booing the situation related to the vaccine”. They’re booing the vaccine, and Trump taking it.


Now you are overthinking things, they hear vaccine and it’s time to boo.

WHy has Trump forsaken them? -----------Gnashing of teeth>

Yes, that’s my point.

The same as progressives responding to anything transgender. They are exactly the same - in terms of knee-jerk response.

Almost as if it were an automatic emotional response akin to fear. :whistle:

TLDR, Too Long Didn’t Read.

Instead of me running of to the bookshop to read 300 pages at 30$ cost to me, how about a summary of what you think?

My summary is that it’s worth the read. There’s a weird thing happening wrt merit in America. Those at the top, those who has succeeded in life and their offspring seem to believe that they deserve their place, that they earned it. Those at the bottom believe this as well.

Those at the bottom, who have not succeeded, whose lives are hard, whose offspring lives are hard seem to believe there is something wrong with them and that they also deserve their lot. Those at the top believe this as well.

Respect has been lost and it shows when the top talks shit about the mechanic who puts snow tires on their bloated SUV, and when the plumber talks shit about the Lawyer in the big house who cant be arsed to tighten the toilet seat screws and would rather piss away 50 bucks to have asscrack Joe do it for him.

I haven’t finished yet. I will soon. Winter break has begun. But that’s what I’m getting from it. I put Sandel’s Harvard lectures up in the philosophy thread. He’s a good teacher, keeps pushing the thinking back to the students.

Or when Bette Midler describes West Virginians.

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