Ephebophilia: the sexual attraction of an adult toward an adolescent.
Pedophilia: the sexual attraction of an adult toward pre-pubescent children.
A couple of weeks ago, something strange happened. I met a friend through another friend and we started chit chatting, having a good time. This male person was outgoing, polite, social, a pleasant person. A bit odd but we all are at times. What I’m trying to say is during the first hour or so we were in the coffee shop I could not see him as an outcast.
We exchanged pleasantries then started talking about our travels. I mentioned I was in Taiwan for a while and he asked me about the ladies here. The questions and comments started off normal enough, then they got progressively stranger and by then the smile on his face wasn’t a haha-I’m-joking smile but more of a I’m-getting a hard-on-just-thinking-about-these-women-who-look-like-boys-and-girls:
I hear the women look younger than their age, is that right?
What’s the age of consent there?
I don’t think Angelina Jolie or [insert mature female actress] is hot at all. I prefer the Olsen twins, the girl that plays Hermione, etc…
I like my women young and fresh, once their looks catch up to their age I’m outta there…
I think tits and ass are overrated. I find really skinny Asian girls hot.
I honestly don’t know what possessed ANY man in his 30s to tell me something like this. I had just known him for a little over an hour. At first he was very normal, funny too. Once the conversation turned to Asia and he started asking questions about the girls and boys here, I got creeped out.
I said to him jokingly, “Holy, do you like kids or something? Pedophilia is serious business, man. You seem to talk an awful lot about children.”
He chuckled but went on to explain to me that pedophilia is illegal, he isn’t a pedophile, hell no. But he finds women who look like kids attractive, he’s drawn to them.
So I said, “Drawn to them? Like you want to be their friends? Like Michael Jackson?”
He said, “Yeah, like they look innocent and in high school, but I know they’re legal.”
Then he has that gleam in his eye and at this point I’m thinking oh boy…I’m out of here.
I came home and searched for pedophilia and read about ephebophilia. Even though having a sexual attraction to post-pubescents is ‘legal,’ I can’t wrap my head around it. This guy is only bound by the legal system. Kids lie about their ages all the time, I really wonder how the line is drawn between pedophilia and ephebophilia.
Discuss. Disgust.