Pelosi visiting Taiwan in August 2022

Ok, then I’m sorry

I mean I just explained it again for you. I’m not sure what’s not clear of what I can do to make it more clear, as to me the idea is simple

True but irrelevant. China doesn’t care two figs about TSMC. They want to grab Taiwan period, no matter the cost. But they want to do it without a war you see. For this reason, they rely very heavily on PSYOPs. Regarding Pelosi’s visit, China will use it as a pretext to do something they were planning to do anyway, which will be another incremental aggressive step forward. The key word is “planning”. China has a plan. The US and the West do not. The US and the West react, often in absurd wet ways to China’s moves. This appeasement will continue and end in tears. Nancy Pelosi should stay for a week and enjoy herself.

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I love how the conspiracy pushes are out on force. How is any of that rubbish related to this event?

I’m glad Taiwan is getting more exposure in the US lately, but most are getting it wrong. CNN’s military analyst (some retired military guy) said that the US recognized “one country, two systems” for Taiwan in '79. :roll_eyes:

I mean, the wording is ambiguous enough that you could parse it that way if you wanted (like China does), but… no.

My personal view is that its not so simple. China is torn between more economny drived and hawkish factions(to simplify it). Although officially, both have the same views on Taiwan, the former would prioritize the economic situation, at least in the short-term(while continuing to invest in the military).

Right now the ethnonationalist hawks are in full control and the technocrats have been pushed aside, especially before the 20th plenary meeting. My prediction, is that there will be a push to the technocrats next year, especially as the situation on the economic front unveils itself as particuarly dire.

My issue is the timeliness. I dont think its a good move right now, while they are in a stage of lunacy.

Of course in the big picture, you are right, the situation wont change, but in the short term can get more breathing space.

Arriving tonight

“an arbitrary and frivolous visit by the Speaker”

“you don’t court a two-front war with the two other superpowers at the same time”

NY Times is pretty much the worst when it comes to understanding Taiwan. It’s always the view from Beijing. Wonder why they do that.



On what basis do you make that claim? NYT is a democrat-supporting newspaper and if you actually read the article you would see the opinion writer (a Pulitzer prize winner) is supportive of Taiwan. Maybe read and reflect next time…

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I don’t have access to this one behind the paywall.

If someone copies and pastes it (this can be done elegantly with the “hide details” function) I’d be happy to read it. Until then, I’ll keep my expectations low.


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To your point, Holger Chen has put it succinctly:

Loosely translated: “The general public doesn’t care, doesn’t care, doesn’t care, doesn’t care”

I’m gonna teach you something. /

You’re welcome.


It’s friggen Thomas Friedman! :poop:

OK, I promise to keep an open mind as I read this piece. :grin:


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I wonder if he was bullied when he was younger.

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Lets gooo

Friedman’s writings on Taiwan are famously idiotic.



Conflicts in Ukraine clearly shown that the liberal hegemony is very much out of touch w/ the real world.

OK, I read the piece. Nowhere does Friedman acknowledge that parliamentary visits to Taiwan have been increasingly routine. Nowhere does he acknowledge that the US Congress is a co-equal branch of government and that President cannot simply order them around. Nowhere does he quote or refer to a single source in Taiwan (though admittedly it would have been easy for him to find a KMT guy to trash the visit and support his thesis, so that’s probably not a huge failing). Nowhere does he mention that the details of the visit were leaked in advance, leading to this dilemma: do you back down after Beijing screeches? What are the political consequence of doing so?

Sorry NY Times, I have not changed my opinion of you. However if you get better writers than Friedman I am open to changing my mind!


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Even his writing about the Middle East, which he’s a supposed expert about, is idiotic.

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He consistently fantasizes about Taiwan as a kind of Israel . . . alone in the desert . . . making wealth out of an allegedly rocky barren island . . . repeated again and again.
